<p>Does anyone have information about the boarding schools, Stevenson and Cate? Info you wouldnt find on there websites. student life? dorms? food? school reputations, and the general vibe. Please, in depth description would be great. What sets these schools apart?</p>
<p>Both have gorgeous locations. Cate, I have heard, attracts a significant number of students from very wealthy families. Both Stevenson & The Cate School offer excellent academics. Stevenson may have a high percentage of day students, while Cate is predominately a boarding school. If you are from outside the western part of the US, admissions may be easier.</p>
<p>I live in the UK and I’m also interested in these schools. Any info would be great:)</p>
<p>does anyone have information? please</p>
<p>Maybe it would be handy to visit these schools’ websites</p>
<p>Thanks Coldwind for the info.</p>
<p>That’s a brillant idea, TomTheCat. Hmm…I’ll go do that. </p>
<p>I quess if you are interested in ANY schools outside of the “Top BS” then you’re out of luck on this forum. Absolutely no feedback or insights but plenty of talk about the same rehashed jaded material on HADES and schools in that ilk, or straightening irons and … Looking back on last years entries, they were a lot more diverse and interesting. This has gotten to be borrrrring. I wouldn’t want to go to school with most of the people adding to this forum lately. Jk? No.</p>
<p>I have a niece who is a senior at Cate and a brother-in-law who is a teacher at Stevenson. How can I help you?</p>
<p>Thanks, Sarum. I’m in the UK right now and my parents and grandparents are legacies at two of the HADES schools but I want to try somewhere different. So, I’m interested in schools out west too and I’ve researched and found Cate, Thacher and Stevenson that sounded great on different levels. I really want to find out more and then decide before I tell my parents I’d like to tour them this summer or fall. What are your impressions as far as feel and sense of community? I’d be far from my parents for at least two years until they return to the US, it doesn’t bother me but I’d want a friendly environment. I believe that Cate and Thacher are academically equal to NE schools but is Stevenson? And does Stevenson’s equal day/boarding population work or would I be an outsider if I were not from California? Hope this makes sense:) Any help would be brillant. I know there must be a few people on CC that would like your impressions too.</p>
<p>btw-- not applying to Kent, I’m near Kent, England:(</p>
<p>Honestly, Stevenson is a level down academically from Cate & Thatcher, though it manages a pretty good college matriculation rate to top notch schools, especially to Stanford/Berkeley/UCLA/USC/ UCSB etc. California schools. It is a great school and will get you where you want to go if you work hard.
I can’t really give you data on Day students vs. Boarders but I know Stevenson has a large amount of boarders from Asia (they are full paying students). A great golf team. I don’t think you would be an outsider (especially if you are a golfer), you will naturally gravitate to a copacetic group of friends. Being from the UK makes you an exotic. My brother -in- law loves teaching at the school, he coaches as well, if you PM me I will give you his contact info.</p>
<p>My niece has had a great career at Cate and will be heading to great college next year. I have other friends who 's kids went there recently. They say Freshman year is tough, an adjustment, but they all came away from the school with a great experience. There is a Mr. Dorion who came from Cate to teach at St. Pauls last year in New Hampshire. You can probably contact him through the St. Paul’s directory to get an objective/subjective idea of what Cate is all about.</p>
<p>Cate/ Thatcher are a few hours from Los Angeles, where as RLS is a few from San Francisco. Both major international airports. The weather at Thatcher/Cate is better than Stevenson, but being from the UK you will not mind Pebble Beach at all. Good luck!</p>
<p>Of course, as you can tell from my name, I am a huge fan of Thacher. It looks like you may have already crossed it off your list, but if not, let me know. I can tell you a lot about the School and why I think it’s genuinely different from other top boarding schools. I went to an East Coast bs myself, and was not enthusiastic about my son attending Thacher, until we visited. Four years later, I have to say that it was the best money that I’ve ever spent.</p>
<p>Saram and Thacher, still interested in Cate and Thacher but I’m kinda intimidated by Stevenson because of the large group of full-pay from Asia. Why is it like that? So, if I understand right, there is 50% day students and lots of full pay boarders it doesn’t sound that diverse. I’d be a full pay too but I’d like to be around a better mix from all incomes and not know it and different places, I don’t want to know the boarders are most likely full pay, if that makes sense and I hope I don’t sound politically incorrect:( Anyway, I know my parents are going to want me to apply to schools near NY as well because that is our residence when not posted elsewhere. Do you have suggestions on a bs that is similar to Cate, Thacher and Stevenson on the east coast, so I can have three or four total to offer them? You’ve been fantastically helpful:)</p>
<p>Pebble Beach/Santa Barbara on the Easy Coast? Nope sorry.</p>
<p>right, I understand:)</p>
<p>I don’t think you should discriminate on full pay or not full pay. Some of these international kids have parents pinching every single penny out of their bones just for tuition and abstaining from all moderate pleasantries, such as the occasional shopping. Of course there are rich ones… but most don’t go to stevenson. They go to Cate. Or Thacher, I guess, but it’s a bit more discreet I would think.</p>
<p>By the way, Stevenson is near where I grew up. The Bay Area overall is EXTREMELY friendly, sociable, etc. Day students will feel like boarding students who sleep over and leave a mess in your room too much, I guarantee you.</p>
<p>Yea, I just graduated from Cate this past year. Accadmically its top notch while the athletic program is catching up. the school just built a new baseball field which by far would make the top ten best looking fields in the country (it overlooks the ocean) and they recently purchased to notch training materials…which helps.</p>
<p>Its pretty diverse (about 40% of students on financial aid) and three classes my senior year had fewer than 7 students. Also, it’s actually hard to get homesick there since the school really stresses the community and family like expereince. Its pretty darn small, which can kinda make it feel like a bubble at times, but because of the location, environment, and people you’re around you really don’t think about what “you’re friends back home are doing” Sure its a big leap from living at home to boarding, but the whole boarding part really matures you. Looking back at my freshman pictures I never thought I’d be the person I am today if it weren’t for cate and the indipendence. Thats another thing…you really have to be responsible as a 14/15 yr old freshman to hit the books early…it took me a couple C’s to figure that out, but its all part of growing up. </p>
<p>Also, teachers are very friendly, very understanding, and really set the tone where you actually yearn to learn. I’m sure its the same way at Thacher, but sitting down in my calc class and being able to see the mountain range beats living in a 105 degree oji valley. haha. thats my 2cents about cate.</p>
<p>see my previous posts on Cate and Thatcher</p>
<p>Princess’Dad - why would anyone choose to reread your continued axe grinding about Cate and Thacher? It’s repetitive to the point of bizarre. Also, you continue to blow the spelling of Thacher.</p>
<p>Thacher. sorry for the misspelling. Your whitewashing the problems seen is also bizarre.</p>
<p>People want all views. Our view of Cate was totally correct for that day and time. Would also add small, small pool, but great view of pacific. </p>
<p>Even you admit that surrounding town is totally unsafe for kids to wear their Cate or Thacher clothes and that schools recommended kids NOT go into town at times.</p>
<p>I stand by my comments, knowing both schools far better than you do. And you are completely, utterly off the deep end if you think that Thacher tells its kids not to wear Thacher logos in Ojai, which is, without a doubt, one of the safest towns you could find in California and where the School and the town have an historic and positive relationship. Did you even visit Thacher? Perhaps it would be best if you stopped talking about these Schools. I know that anyone can say anything on the Internet, but maybe it’s time for you to consider being better than that.</p>