<p>hey everybody,</p>
<p>I am a Freshmen attending Loyola College in Maryland (Soon to be Loyola University).</p>
<p>Right now i am a BioPsych Major. Im going to be finishing the year with about a 3.2 overall GPA. The only reason my gpa would even be that "high" is because i have an A in all of my core classes. My bio grade (C) brings me down vastly. </p>
<p>I know that if I switched my major to an economics or regular psych major my GPA would sky rocket as with all my core classes I coast to an A in, an while i work my butt of in Bio i cant seem to come up with anything over a C. </p>
<p>I actually do not even study for my other classes besides bio. </p>
<p>Western Civ: A
Latin II: A-
Psych: A
Calc II: A
Bio: C-</p>
<p>last semester it was</p>
<p>Writing: A
Latin II: A
Calc: A
Chem: W
Bio: C-</p>
<p>For law school admission would i be better off getting between a 3.0-3.2 overall GPA and rocking my LSAT for admission with a rare major like Bio-Psych or would i be better off with something like economics, journalism, or psychology(perhaps a double major), very common law school application majors, with like a 3.7-3.9 gpa and rocking my LSAT?</p>