Still haven't heard back from any UC's

<p>Hey guys, i’m getting pretty worried. I still havent heard back from any UC’s while all my friends have been accepted to UCR,UCM, and UCI. A month ago i received a transcript request from both UCR and UCM, i turned those in but still have not heard anythng. What should i do? I continue waiting but i feel my chances are slimming down even though i had pretty decent stats(GPA is really low because of sports injury during my year which landed me in surgery, physical therapy, and made me miss some school), 3.0/3.1 uc gpa, 1950 SAT, and great essay + great ec’s (plus i started a business my sophomore year and it is steadily growing and gaining income). I really want to go to a UC, whether it is UCI or UCD. any advice?</p>

<p>According to UCDavis admissions, the decisions will be posted tomorrow the 13th in the a.m.! Yikes!!!</p>

<p>holy crap....scared</p>

<p>yeah, i'm scared also, esp since i havent even heard from schools that i was hoping to be my backups.</p>

<p>any feedback on this!? =[</p>

<p>so far i've only heard from UCM, nothing from UCI. i already got into UCSB so i dont care about UCI that much. but i'm still waiting for march 15th and march 27th. </p>

<p>well since u missed school, your GPA might be a result from that. your SAT score is pretty good, (200 higher than mine anyway).. i think u have a good chance in getting in though, considering your EC's.</p>

<p>good luck! don't worry too much</p>

<p>thanks man, ahh as march rolls on ahh anxiety!! Sigh, i can't even concentrate on my sport right now because im so worried about college haha</p>