Nice score. And yea my scores may have been delayed; I still haven’t received them. Also, if I remember correctly, I think I forgot to write my DOB on the essay booklet. </p>
Nice score. And yea my scores may have been delayed; I still haven’t received them. Also, if I remember correctly, I think I forgot to write my DOB on the essay booklet. </p>
<p>does anyone know if writing a different date can delay your score? because I’m pretty sure i wrote the wrong date by both signatures.</p>
<p>@shirley258 I don’t think so, seems odd but possibly since you still haven’t gotten your scores</p>
<p>So any luck with scores? Still haven’t gotten mine… Should I be worried?</p>
<p>@Tdub365 I wouldn’t be worried, I’d be disappointed. You’ll definitely get your scores but it will probably be a while. I got mine last Friday.</p>
<p>I’m International (Auckland, New Zealand) - anyone else still waiting and overseas?</p>
<p>i still haven’t gotten mine either X( </p>
<p>Thanks @Marrissa
@egehitch I’m an international student from london, and I still haven’t received anything either!</p>
<p>Nothing here yet in Auckland, New Zealand either
Someone else I know who sat it at the same place hasn’t got theirs either. Good to know I’m not the only one!</p>
<p>I haven’t got mine either (I’m from Europe)</p>
<p>if you haven’t gotten your score, don’t be worried. They literally randomly select the tests they are going to grade. Don’t hold your breath though, because the next time you “may” receive your scores is next wednesday. </p>
<p>International scores should be in! Just got mine and I tested in England 31 so not too bad for a first time with no studying!</p>
<p>Ayy 1.1k </p>