<p>Is there anyone who doesn't have their Ap scores on online yet..</p>
<p>I ordered them during the May test so I didn't call to send my last year grades</p>
<p>would it be fine??</p>
<p>Is there anyone who doesn't have their Ap scores on online yet..</p>
<p>I ordered them during the May test so I didn't call to send my last year grades</p>
<p>would it be fine??</p>
<p>yea i dont have mine yet either...i didnt call or anything...just waiting</p>
<p>Still waiting here too...</p>
<p>I'm waiting too...</p>
<p>Still waiting. Last years delivered in mid April but still not posted, May 08 tests sent but not posted either.</p>
<p>same situation here</p>
<p>waiting..they posted my ap euro score from sophomore year though roffles</p>
<p>Yeah, my Chem and Calc scores from sophomore year are up...A lot of good that does considering the bulk of my tests were taken in the lastt two years. Agh, I'm not impatient, but it'd be nice to know that everything has been taken care of in terms of scores...It's about time, methinks.</p>
<p>none of my scores are up yet.</p>
<p>None of my scores are up yet.</p>
<p>same here. i got them in the mail on monday</p>
<p>Anyone's AP on Bear Facts yet?</p>
<p>my scores aren't up on myberkeleyapp yet, but i finally got the mail from collegeboard today</p>
<p>where on bearfacts is it?</p>
<p>Academic Record, All Grades</p>