<p>I have heard that for people who get accepted by ED, get their decision couriered (DHL,UPS...) immediately and that the applicants usually get it very early....whereas for the rejected or deferred, they get it a week later or so.</p>
<p>My ED2 college has an ED decision inform date of Feb1-Feb15.</p>
<p>Its feb 13 and I still haven't received a reply.....does this mean I am rejected or deferred...</p>
<p>How many of you have received your ED2 decisions already......specifically from the following college....Bates, Bowdoin, Colby, Connecticut, Hamilton, Lehigh, Lafayette, Middlebury, Trinity, Tufts and Wesleyan..???</p>
<p>Try calling the college, I got mine already. Where do you live in comparision to your edII college? If you are further away, chances are its still stuck in the mail on the way there. Give it a few days till the 15th and then call if nothing comes.</p>
<p>i just got my email too! but it's such a giveaway. they tell you to take a look at the attachment. and in the attachments they have enrollment and aid files along with the decision file! i could guess i was accepted even before i opened the decision file.</p>
<p>Foggy some schools have 2 rounds of ED. Filing ED still means the same thing. Usually the first round applications are due in Novemeber and you get the results in dec.</p>
<p>For ED II, students usually apply early Jan and get the results mid february.</p>
<p>ED II is great for students who want to commit to a school now the just have a little more time to think about it</p>
<p>"Foggy some schools have 2 rounds of ED. Filing ED still means the same thing. Usually the first round applications are due in Novemeber and you get the results in dec.</p>
<p>For ED II, students usually apply early Jan and get the results mid february.</p>
<p>ED II is great for students who want to commit to a school now the just have a little more time to think about it"</p>
<p>Does this mean that students who are rejected/deferred in regular ED (results out in middle of December) can then apply to ED2 in January?
Also what are some of the schools that usually have ED2?</p>
<p>aaron, I am going to ask a stupid question. If you got deferred by from Penn ED and accepted Trinity ED2, what happens if you get at acceptance from Penn in the coming months? Chances are slim but deferred kids do get acceptance (5%?)</p>
<p>Then aaron may SHOUT OUT LOUD IN FRUSTRATION and then grit his teeth and go to trinity.........OR.....he may go to penn and commit a crime and blacklist his school.....</p>
<p>something similar with my case....i got deferred from Pton....lets see wats there final decision in april....will i scream...or will i be glad i went for ED2</p>