Strength of Poli Sci/IR since grad program ends?

<p>I was wondering about the perception of and actual program in the Poli Sci/ IR Dept. since the graduate program has ended.
I know at one time this dept. was highly regarded. Is this still the case?</p>

<p>I’d really like to know too.
Carville just signed on as a professor, I believe.</p>

<p>Hi, Tulane Class of 2010, double-major in Political Economy and Int’l Development.</p>

<p>Political Science here is a great; I’m happy that my interdisciplinaries have me doing so much work there. My freshman year I was able to take two really fascinating courses: Power, Morality and International Relations (POLI-351) and Latin American Governments (POLC-335). My Latin American Governmnts course was taught by a woman with a seat on the Council on Foreign Relations. Making office hours with her was fascinating, and she offered to help me work to get published.</p>

<p>You’re right, Carville did just sign on to the faculty. His courses are by special admission; you need to complete a special application and his courses are very competitive.</p>

<p>The department here is strong. Since all courses here are taught by faculty and not graduate students there has not been a significant change in the education provided to undergraduates. The courses are small–the largest I’ve had was 21–and the faculty are accomplished and really very accessible.</p>

<p>Oh, and when you get here: take a class with Brox.</p>

<p>Do you know what the opportunities are for internships in IR?</p>