Stress level

Are the horror stories I hear about GA Tech engineering true? Engineering in general is a difficult subject. Do most kids survive and graduate with decent gpa? My son loves GA Tech, but everyone says it is a very hard school.

@juju96‌ Most selective engineering schools are hard (Carnegie Mellon’s program, Berkeley, Austin, MIT, Harvey Mudd all have rigorous grading that honestly isn’t too much different from Tech): But I believe most of the engineering departments average grade given out are over 3.0. Usually some physical science depts and mathematics grade lower. I think the “we’re harder than everyone else” gets blown out of proportion at Technological universities because most people are majoring in “low” grading subjects, so of course the stress levels are higher than a school that has a significant amount or a majority of students not majoring in science. Regardless, here is the grade distributions by department which they publish:±+2014+Fall&sv_COLLEGE=&Submit=Search

Most recent data can be found by restricting it to fall 2014 and seeing the grades given then.

If you use that, it looks like Georgia Tech is pretty normal in terms of grading in the sciences…and is on par with other selective (including privates) schools (makes sense, the students are really good and the course work is demanding but not impossible). It isn’t like everyone is failing. Just don’t expect it to be like high school science and work hard.