Strong academic record [3.9, 1510/34] but light on EC’s [most likely political science or business; IL resident; <$50k]

Totally different campus feel, American is quiet and in a more residential neighborhood. Quite pretty, green, clean campus. Very activist kids. So if that sounds good, take a look.


Thank you for the feedback.

Also a plus for AU is they have their own study abroad programs in like four countries, whereas with many schools you have to find a program that qualifies. Nice to have it all under the AU umbrellla, easier for credits etc

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Good to know thank you.

Does your first statement mean that schools like UCB do not give heavy weightage to ECs?

UCB, like all the University of California schools, ask for a student’s ECs and tend to consider them as a significant part of the student’s application. This is true for all schools that review an application holistically. McGill does not, so it is a great option to consider for an academically strong student who does not have strong ECs.

So my S just received ACT score, 34: Reading 36, English 35, Science 34, Math 31. He is not a STEM kid, so not losing sleep over ‘low’ Math section score. His SAT was 1510. Which score should he be including in his applications? Looks to me that ACT breakdown by section paints a stronger picture. Any thoughts or comments?

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Nice! The SAT and ACT composite scores are equivalent, but as you say, the subscores add nuance. No reason not to simply include both, which then shows consistency!


I agree with @aquapt about the scores, and I’ve also updated your title to reflect the higher scores.


Thank you @AustenNut.

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Can anyone provide latest color on merit aid for OOS at IU? How much do high GPA and test scores help in determining eligibility and level of financial assistance?

We went on a campus tour over the weekend and both S and me were pleasantly surprised. The campus is gorgeous, it’s very walkable and Bloomington has more than enough bars and restaurants to keep kids busy after school. The Eskenazi museum and Lily library on campus grounds are excellent, very impressive. He could go direct admit to Kelly Business, go for Hutton Honors and apply for additional scholarships. Another option is Hamilton Lugar School of International and Global Studies, there is a direct admit path as well.

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Sorry that I missed your post and have neglected it for so long!

Although your son’s list seems to be focused on the southeast, I have to reiterate that I think he should take a look into the U. of Denver. It’s about the size he seems to like w/about 5900 undergrads and has strong international programming including a major in international business (which combines business and the social sciences) as well as an international studies major with available specializations in global economic affairs, among others. Your son would need to receive the high end of merit aid to bring this within budget, but I think he has a reasonable shot at it. There’s also a good-sized Jewish population there for your wife’s interest. Denver is very sunny and even though it’s in mile-high city, my impression is that it would seem much more pleasant weather-wise than the Chicago area.

Dickinson (PA ) is really known for its international studies program, and its max merit would bring this school within budget. It offers a major in International Business & Management as well as an International Studies major where he can select a concentration in World Economy and Development.

Another school where your son could see sufficient merit aid to bring the price within budget is at Gettysburg (PA ). With about 2400 undergrads, It’s a bit smaller than the other schools on his list, but not too far off. There are several econ classes within the International & Global Studies major and he could also select a concentration in Global Business.

If he’s trying to go further south, however, he may also want to take a look at:

Rollins (FL): About 2500 undergrads in the Orlando area with majors in international business and international relations. His stats would make him competitive for one of the 10 full ride scholarships available, too.

Trinity (TX): About 2500 undergrads at this San Antonio school that offers majors in international business and international studies where he could do a concentration in economic development. A good school already, it’s trying to ratchet up its reputation even more by bringing top students in via merit aid, which would bring this within budget.

Have you looked at the Net Price Calculator to see if it asks for academic stats? If so, it might give you a figure there. Also, the thread for students entering fall of 2022 had people who received merit aid. I first started seeing scholarship recipients who posted their stats around here: IU Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission - #416 by takatasox. At that time it seems that out-of-state Dean’s awards were topped off at $11k/year, but that students could apply for additional scholarships that might stack (like Huttton Honors scholarships, etc). There is a full ride scholarship called the Wells Scholarship, but I think that the lack of ECs would hurt your son’s consideration for it.

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Great suggestions, thanks again!

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Just saw this thread.

For $50k or less and strong Jewish life to please mom - and this was our search for International Politics - yes to College of Charleston but you need to be in Charleston Fellows for best quality. Doable with these stats. you might also look into International Scholars if an interest. large jewish population; only on campus public college Hillel i believe. 8-10% Jewish. .

Daughter also applied to CU and got the standard $6250 so unlikely to make budget. It’s a very nice campus.

DU - they give $30k so can squeeze in at budget. in. today I think it’s now $33k merit.

Pitt unlikely to hit merit but we tried but got none . But if you got, it’d make budget. Great school.
UF full pay works and FSU - very inexpensive. Both are difficult admits, UF moreso.

Miami Florida might hit with merit but it’s not an easy admit and you’d need big merit. Miami Ohio definitely makes cost with merit. For my daughter, it was too rural. Beautiful campus - a large William & Mary to me.

IU can make with merit. Obviously large. UMD too but less likely to get merit vs. IU. W&L - small but impressive Jewish life $81k but has one full tuition scholarship for a Jewish student -the Weinstein. Rural but great town down the hill from campus. But you’d need a Jewish life in last for a chance at the Weinstein.

Elon did not apply after visit. For my daughter, too rural. James Madison - another to look at. She didn’t apply for a silly reason but not silly to her - an Interstate through campus - but most don’t go over it. Lehigh and Syracuse - cold and unlikely to hit cost.

Delaware could be a good one - and SUNY Bing most definitely would hit cost. These are smaller “large schools” as is Pitt and Miami Ohio. But they might fit your student’s need. Of course, none are warm.

Less Jewish but some Jewish life and impressed by the Menorah in admissions - U of South Carolina. It was my daughter’s #2. Easily makes cost with merit. My daughter loved - so many do. The Hillel contact was helpful. I suspect Jewish life isn’t much but it’d be very comfortable being Jewish there.

My daughter applied to W&M - reviews on Jewish life there online are mixed but it seems wonderful, Emory, Rice, UNC too. These were hail mary’s - even if she got in, they weren’t going to make $50K but in theory it was possible at all so she gave it ago. But got into two and WL at two - one of which she stayed on but never got off.

She didn’t apply Richmond - didn’t like campus. Wake = bad reviews on Jewish life but they have some for sure. My daughter didn’t like the campus but not sure we saw the main part - we were forbidden from leaving our car (covid times).

American another great one. But just $15k merit for us. But some get more. So might be worth a flyer.

Finally three large schools - The first - Alabama. surprisingly large jewish population and google the bloom hillel (link). has over 1k kids from illinois alone at the school. In fact, after Georgia and Texas (and obviously Alabama), it’s the third most populous state at the school with 1562 Illinois students and for you under $25k a year with automerit. It’s an old article on Illinois students trekking south but an interesting read below. As for how many Jews are at Alabama - How many Jewish students are there on campus? Per the Hillel website:

We estimate over 1000 Jewish students at Alabama, and we are growing every year!

Personally, my first experience was at Taco Mama, when I saw a student with a book that had a Bloom Hillel book cover. As a dad, it gave me comfort that it was being displayed - I’ve seen t shirts too.

Two other large but warm and inexpensive with lots of Jews - U of Kansas (yep surprising) and U of Arizona. Too bad not UIUC - it’s a very Jewish school but all these would easily make your budget (with room to spare).

The point is - you wouldn’t think certain schools like KU and Bama have sizable Jewish populations but they do as do many others - the difference with these two, and UF (hard admit) and FSU (semi hard admit) is that they easily make your budget - as will a SUNY Binghamton, etc.

Good luck. Pm if need to talk to a Charleston kid.

Pps - playing soccer is great and starting a club is great too if legit - ie did it serve a need, did he recruit members ? My son started an aviation club

Not all schools look at ECs and he might have more - a job, something at temple ?

ECs are a positive at some schools but unimportant to many others although they may be important for special scholarships.

University of Alabama: Hillel (

Growing brain drain: University of Alabama’s gain in drawing Illinois students is a loss for Illinois (,3646

University of Kansas has more than double the percentage of Jewish students on campus than an Alabama while Arizona has 3 times. Arizona in fact has 3,000 self identified Jewish students of 37,000 total vs Kansas 1,300 of 17,000 total vs Bama at approx 1,000 vs 32,000.

When considering a groups “presence” amongst a student body one must also consider the size of that entire student body.

Given your kid attends HS in Chicago (3.8% Jewish population) it perhaps won’t make a difference but thought some context might help. Lots of great suggestions to decide amongst.

FYI Bloom Hillel indicates…

“Approximately, 900 students at the University of Alabama have identified themselves as Jewish and we expect that number to double in the next 10 years.”

This is a total number of a Jewish students not from Illinois as seemingly suggested in a prior post

University of Alabama: Hillel.

But I used the national website for comparison.

Apologies for the redundancy as it appears prior posters edited their post (after I posted) to include some of the links and context I offered.


Thank you @tsbna44 and @Catcherinthetoast for great suggestions and data. We are swearing our way through Virginia, visited Richmond, UVA and W&M, all have gorgeous campus, impressive facilities and resources but also come with high COA. Today are Georgetown and GWU.


If the OP is chasing financial aid, he may want to apply to honors colleges where offered. Not only do they usually bring healthy financial awards, but students get first shot at class registration, separate and higher level classes, and great opportunities for research as an undergrad. Schools with honors colleges that come to mind are Pitt, THE Ohio State, and MSU (at least for STEM - not sure about humanities). An added bonus is that grad program AOs will look favorably on applicants from honors colleges, even from less prestigious schools.


Good luck. Gtown is very nice. The issue is budget. If you are full pay, Gtown is well over $80k. No merit aid.

It was that night (we toured) after I learned there was such a thing, we had to cut schools like Cornell and others off my daughter’s list. No way to get to $50k.

If the student likes GW, then maybe NYU and BU come to mind but again while they can get $50k with merit, the likelihood is slim.

Not trying to kill your trip but this is how you learn to make your visit schedule more efficient and productive.

If $50k is a hard # and you are a full pay family, it’s important to do so. It seems like many of your schools are highly unlikely to hit but a Gtown just not possible (unless you have need).

Enjoy your trip.

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With apologies, that should’ve been “sweating” and not “swearing” in my previous post. Although there was some swearing as well walking outside in brutal heat and humidity. Yeah, the trip was full of Hail Mary’s, S really wanted to see Richmond and Georgetown. Grown was so good I was ready to convert and join the Jesuit order, what a great campus and amazing town around it. GW did not earn a passing grade from S, sounds like he wants red brick, white columns, green spaces and trees with shade. That last one might’ve been just me…