Strong academic record [3.9, 1510/34] but light on EC’s [most likely political science or business; IL resident; <$50k]

Maybe it should be added to the list :). Good things happen in 3s.

Dennison would be a reach from Dickinson. Davidson from Dennison.

I thought as much…Denison has PPE and it has seen a good number of students from our hs apply there… there is a substantial endowment and perhaps a reasonable prospect of decent merit aid.

Again 3 Ds :slight_smile:

Btw those majors can be ‘made’ in some sort anywhere. They have merit too.

If you want big merit, see if another D can work with a combo of programs - DePauw or maybe a place like Kalamazoo or Juniata. Schools like this pay big $$. And there’s more.

Good luck.

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Thanks for sharing, did not know Davidson had a PPE major.

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What can you tell me about Jewish life at Davidson/Denison/Dickinson. Asking for a mom…

Honestly I can’t. I know when we went to Miami, the Hillel director we met with had just graduated Dennison.

I don’t think the Hillel #s are accurate. I thinks it’s best to reach out to the directors and even ask to speak to a student.

You can use the Hillel #s directionally because that’s all you have.

Dennison shows 5.5% Jewish. Not a big # (125) but not a big school. See link below.

Davidson show 60 of 1837 or 3.3%.

Dickinson 180 or 8.4%.

Not having known b4, based on location I’d have assumed Dickinson was most prominent.

But dig into the campus websites, find names and talk to people. We did at LSU, U of SC and others and physically met a few. Whether they passed muster or didn’t, my daughter got the info needed to decide. Hillel directors - plural - have told me they have no idea where these #s come from. But they’re not accurate.

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Davidson doesn’t actually have a Hillel group; the students elected to disassociate from the organization. But, they have a very active Jewish Student Union.

Interesting, thank you @LisaMBA.

Appreciate the details on each school.

I do not know many people from MA, but “Ignorant people from waspy Massachusetts” might be just a tad unfair…

Just to be clear, those are not your words @tsbna44.

You know I just put in a link from a few years ago. I didn’t write that.

There was a thread on Jewish life at Dennison so I included it for you

Edit - I see you acknowledged that.

Hopefully there was an iota of useful info in the thread. That said definitely reach out to directors and students at schools of interest. We found all very forthcoming - whether in a strong or we really aren’t so strong and have little Jewish life way.

Can I ask the posters here for your thoughts on Macalaster and St. Olaf. Should ‘Saint’ in Olaf be a concern for Jewish parents?

In doing a quick search of the forum, here are a few threads/responses that popped up that may address your questions (at least pertaining to St. Olaf…though I think the answer will be the same for Macalester):

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Thank you @AustenNut

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Davidson was our DDs reach school. She really love it but did not get accepted. Actually, we all loved it. It’s a great school, gorgeous campus, outstanding facilities. Cute small town. Around here we call it Amherst of the south.

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Davidson would also be a reach for S24. We are leaning toward visiting Denison, they have a tour on Labor Day, very nice. It’s a six hour drive, can’t wait to play my 80s/90s rock stations for him😁

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If you’re going to Denison, Kenyon isn’t far. About 30-40 mins if I recall - even if only time to self tour. They are different campuses. My daughter was anti one, surprisingly liked the other although applied to neither.

Good suggestion thank you @tsbna44.

Kenyon has a very active Hillel. In general, a great school (my daughter is a rising senior there). As for your earlier question re Macalester and St. Olaf, we visited both with her back in 2019 and loved them. Our daughter is an atheist from a half-Jewish family, but she thought she’d be comfortable at St. Olaf. Mac was her favorite for a while, but she ended up choosing Kenyon. All three are excellent schools academically with some differences: most obviously, it’s location, with Mac located in a residential area of a city, Kenyon very rural but beautiful and an hour away from Columbus; a strong music emphasis at St Olaf; a strong creative writing/theater tradition at Kenyon; an international relations focus at Mac, etc. (but you can do all of that at any of these schools). It’s important to visit, if you can, to get a better idea.


Then you for the feeeback @Motherprof.

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