Strong academic record [3.9, 1510/34] but light on EC’s [most likely political science or business; IL resident; <$50k]

A lot of food for thought, thank you DramaMa lol.

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Eh…investment club for high schoolers…please do not ask for stock tips😂

What does “second smallest R1 University” mean?

Miami University in Ohio
University of Tampa
University of Miami

Just about any flagship university…they all have active Hillel groups.


Thank you, we will follow up with counselor on Naviance by major. Aware of the instagram college destinations page. Brandies is in Boston or the burbs?

It’s in Waltham…a close inner city to Boston.

Thanks, mentally put Miami of Ohio into the safeties bucket, might be premature. Florida is likely a no go, sort of a weird family thing (crazy for a Jewish family, right),although I keep whispering to him about FSU…is he strong enough to qualify for OOS waiver?

They have/had loans and decent majors (accounting, finance, dpt, actuary science, business), plus we don’t live large (but live in a high COL area).

College of Charleston is very worth a look see!

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He added C of C to the list in Naviance. Like us, he only know it’s warm there.

So awesome they all are doing great.

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College of Charleston is a public university in South Carolina. We visited and toured with our younger kid. It really has an LAC feel to it. Beautiful campus right in downtown Charleston…so walking distance to lots of things. The college has a wonderful Judaic studies center that is not all that old.

Charleston has a decent size Jewish population and is home to one of the oldest synagogues in the country. Very active Hillel on campus.

School is good, and should be within your budget.


Haha… sorry to be so long-winded. We only have one kid so I get excited whenever I have a chance to pay it forward after the hours and hours I spent on our merit search. CC was a huge help refining our list.

I’ve practically lived on here since beginning of the year. My wife thinks I am seeing two other women given the amount of time I spent on the phone.


Yes, we went in to see the synagogue when we were in Charleston, it’s a beautiful place.

Is sounds like I need to change our list of college campuses to visit this summer.

Someone earlier mentioned Denison. I think we need a car trip to visit it and Miami of Ohio, maybe also stop at the College of Wooster.


Your kid needs to make a list of characteristics they want in a college…geographic location, weather, urban/suburban/rural, size, options for majors, options for activities both on and off campus.

Once your kid has that list…start looking at colleges that fulfill at least a few if not most of the characteristics.

One of my kids had:

  1. Urban
  2. Excellent on and off campus music performance opportunities.
  3. Excellent private instrument teacher (music major)

Second kid had:

  1. Pleasing weather (meaning no snow)
  2. Strong sciences
  3. Ability to play in the college orchestra and NOT be a music major (the hardest of their criteria to fulfill).

As you can see…short lists for both.


Thank you, good thought. Yep, being chasing after him to give me a list of prospects since March…he keeps punting it…now it’s APs exams time, then it’s junior prom, i am sure I am sure I’ve missed a couple of other reasons…

The OOS waiver this year at FSU is probably a 32 ACT which is around 1430 SAT. No C’s on his transcript either.

S21 is there now and loves it. Beautiful campus. Happy kids. Has a Hillel and it seems like a fair number of Jewish students.
Honors program is solid. He had other options but once we visited I knew it was game over.

South Carolina is another good option. He would get decent merit.

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Number of Jews based on Hillel, who can be wrong

  • Butler (IN): About 4500 undergrads - nondenominational (2.2% Jewish)
  • Christopher Newport (VA): About 4500 undergrads - public, but only 30 Jews (0.6%)
  • Mercer (GA): About 4900 undergrads - Few Jews, no Hillel but a Jewish organization “Shalom Mercer”
  • Truman State (MO): About 3900 undergrads - public, no Hillel, but a Jewish Student Union
  • U. of Alabama - Huntsville: About 7600 undergrads - Public no info
  • U. of Denver (CO): Already mentioned; about 5900 undergrads - nondenominational, 7.5% Jews
  • U. of North Carolina - Asheville: About 3200 undergrads - public, 2.8% Jews
  • U. of Tampa (FL): About 9900 undergrads - nondenominational, 5.1% Jews
  • U. of the Pacific (CA): About 3300 undergrads - Methodist, unknown how many Jews, has a Hillel (and other religious organizations like Muslim and Sikh)