Structural Engineering, CDI, or SDC?

<p>I'm trying to decide between three major choices for Stanford graduate school right now. They range from Construction Design Integration which I'd probably get a job at a design/build firm that does Integrated Project Delivery. Sustainable Design Construction which seems like a likely job would be in Sustainable Design of buildings. And last of all Structural Engineering where I would probably go to a design firm. I have two questions. First of all between each of these choices what do you believe would pay the most? And second, which job would seem the most enjoyable or rewarding?</p>


<p>They pay difference is probably very minimal, if any. Design/build and IPD are still very new and isn’t very widespread across industry yet, so it may be tough if you are only looking for companies who only employ this project delivery method.</p>

<p>The most rewarding job to you may be very different from the most rewarding job for me. It depends on your goals.</p>