Student Football Penalty Points - Where to find?

<p>Is there a way for a student to log into MyBama (or somewhere else) to see how many penalty points he/she has for the season? A friend of mine thinks her son, may have received an unrequested ticket transfer last weekend - since he didn’t go to the game that would be a 2 point penalty. If the penalty is there, then he is going to appeal to try and get the penalty removed.</p>

<p>Did you join the University of Alabama facebook page? If not, send me a PM with your FB name and I’ll get you added. There are parents there that would know all the rules for that.</p>

<p>Anyone else can PM me, too.</p>

<p>There is no way online, at least not that I know of, to see the number of any penalty points a student has accumulated. If a student were to receive a penalty point, they would receive an email similar to this one. </p>

<p>I believe a student can check the number of the penalty points in person at the ticket office in the Coleman Coliseum but I would call and double check that before sending anyone over there. </p>

<p>Dear Student,</p>

<p>You have received one (1) penalty points (for XXXXX reason - redacted). If you receive more than 3 penalty points for the season, you will not be able to purchase postseason tickets for this year or regular season and postseason for fall 2015.</p>

<p>Penalty points will be assessed for donating your ticket after 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday before a game (0.5 points), for not using your student football ticket (2.0 points), and for upgrading your student ticket to a general admission ticket (1.0 points). For information please see Get In The Game<a href=“”>;/a&gt; at <a href=“”>;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you believe this penalty point was received in error, you may appeal the penalty. The penalty appeal application website is Penalty Appeal<a href=“”>;/a&gt; <a href=“”>;/a&gt;. You have until XXXXX to submit your appeal for the XXXXX game.</p>

<p>If you have any questions about the process or your penalty, please contact the Chief Justice of the Student Government Association at <a href=“”></a>.</p>

<p>If you want to check the status of your appeal, you may go to Appeal Status<a href=“”>;/a&gt; <a href=“”>;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Your Student Government Association</p>