Student Insurance: Pros/Cons?

<p>My parents and I are riddling over the question of whether to take the $2k/semester hit for the University-provided insurance, or to just keep the insurance I am already under with my parents. Anyone have any experience with the insurance provided by the University, or why the chose that over their own insurance or vice versa?</p>

<p>Two thousand dollars per semester? The student insurance where my daughter is enrolling is $1680 per year.</p>

<p>And we’re not enrolling her in that because keeping her on our family’s health insurance does not cost an additional $1680 per year.</p>

<p>Obviously, my daughter isn’t going to Miami, so I don’t have any information about that insurance in particular, but that seems like an expensive plan!</p>

<p>It’s not $2k per semester; that covers the whole year. There don’t be a health insurance charge on the spring bill.</p>

<p>Are you sure?</p>

<p>It’s what a current/returning student has said. </p>

<p>And from my previous post: won’t* not don’t :p</p>

<p>Marinebio, did you try looking at the brochure? :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>Page 4 says the annual cost of the student insurance plan is $2192.00, with coverage from 8/15/12 through 8/14/13. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Didn’t even know there was a brochure, haha. Thanks for the info! But either way, I’m still looking for pros/cons of university-provided vs. existing, so if anyone has any help that’d be great!</p>

<p>The student insurance plan covers just about everything.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that no matter what you’ll be able to see doctors for free at the Student Health Center. The insurance is good if you have to go to the emergency room, or go to an eye doctor, or get medication or blood tests. It really paid off for me during my sophomore year when I was taking accutane and I needed monthly blood tests as well as a ridiculous amount of appointments.</p>

<p>Everywhere you go you can find a doctor who will cover you under the student health plan. It’s REALLY good. But if you don’t go to see the doctor unless you’re near death, it might be best to stick with your parents’ plan.</p>

<p>Yeah it is annual coverage…if you look at the item on the bill in UM it indicates annual. You just have to check with your current health insurance provider to make sure you are covered. Obamacare ensures you can remain a dependent on your parents health insurance until you turn 26 if you are a full time student or whatever. I’m from PA and my mother works for the state so that’s where we get our health insurance so she had to upgrade my coverage to a nationwide ppo plan but it worked out to be like an extra $200 a year or something…no where near the $2000 or whatever UM wants</p>

<p>Yeah… We just decided to go with our current health insurance and waive the 2k/year university charge.</p>

<p>Good decision MB444, we did the same with our D. Sidebar: as a diver, hope you have considered the insurance offered thru DAN - it is a good supplement for any potentially uncovered claims resulting from diving accidents, and it’s affordable too.</p>

<p>That’s good to know! I’ll take a look, thanks!</p>

<p>Yeah I think I pay like $60 a year for DAN insurance. Although some health insurance plans already cover hyperbaric treatment so check before you buy. Mine doesn’t but DAN is pretty cheap for the amount of emergency coverage they give you</p>