student loans and ch. 7 bankruptcy


<p>No offense to your brother, alright? </p>


<p>But, don't some of you guys think that once someone files for bankruptcy they should just lay low? Like, if I had to file for bankruptcy (I hope I never have to), I would just call things a day and just concentrate on paying off the student loans.</p>

<p>man can you imagine if they did make student loans bankruptcyable? everyone and their grandmother would be filing.</p>

<p>kunfuzed101, what is the source of your information? I've practiced law for over 20 years, so I'm just wondering what your authority is for what you claim to know.</p>

<p>Oh! Why did they ever stop using debtors prisons...</p>

<p>Chedva I am speaking on behalf of personal experience (unfortunately) and the advice, direction, and consent from our attorney and my sibling.</p>

<p>I'd say we pull a Shays Rebellion!</p>

<p>"well I'm 20 I make $9/hour (about $10k/year after taxes) and I'm $62,593 in debt. By the time I finish writing this thread, I'll need to add another 25 cents or so, due to interest.</p>

<p>Anyway, approx $35,000 is student loans, the rest (about $28,000) - is credit card debt."</p>

<p>lol dumbass. 28k?</p>

<p>It's scary, but sadly very possible. It's just too easy for any college student these days to fall for those credit card solicitations everywhere on campus and start racking up debt exponentially. Before you know it, you have this unsurmountable amount and no where to run.</p>

<p>Just say No.</p>

<p>I get atleast two credit card offers a week at my campus mailbox and they all get thrown away immediately. It's not hard.</p>

<p>I agree but more than enough students don't. That's the problem.</p>

<p>Cards4Life, please make sure that you don't just throw them away. Tear them up into small pieces or shred them. Otherwise you risk identity theft.</p>

<p>Rest easy, each one is thoroughly torn apart before trashed.</p>

<p>and just recently on Dateline NBC (or 60 Mins) they took 8 credit card apps and tore them up...taped them back together, filled the information in and mailed them. Of the 8 apps, 6 gave them credit cards without even questioning why the apps were taped together. 2 did not. Scary. Get a shredder!</p>

<p>That's ridiculous...:eek:</p>