<p>I've tried PNC and Chase websites... neither seem to list Prep Schools in their student loans section? :confused:</p>
<p>I have yet to learn of prep school loans, usually because it seems the parents pay for that education. Sorry I don’t have news for you :(</p>
<p>Key Bank used to have something called the Achiever Loan. They may still have a product that pays for Prep school. Call them and ask.</p>
<p>I was sent some information for a place called “Your Tuiton Solution” earlier this year. They offer loans for students who attend independent/preparatory schools, boarding schools, and different parochial schools. I believe this place is one of the few places left that still offers loans for high school level education. </p>
<p><a href=“Your Tuition Solution”>Your Tuition Solution;
<p>In a nutshell, I will be paying for a PG year myself, and will not have finaid from the school. I wish it was as easy as college where I can start paying after graduation. Even worse, I have to come up with $10.5k for secondary school this summer, something I’ve seriously been looking forward to.</p>
<p>Try Sallie Mae as well. I haven’t needed to use them but this came up in some of my research:</p>
<p><a href=“Sallie Mae | Education Loans, College Planning & Online Banking”>https://www1.salliemae.com/before_college/parents_plan/private-k12-school-loans/</a></p>
<p>I found sallie mae earlier. Right when I began to fill out, I had to agree that they could use my emails for third parties. No way.</p>
<p>It looks like a stupid personal loan for $65k (including secondary school) will have to do. I have no idea how I’m going to pay it. Guess I’ll have to find something better than a nonpaying internship:(</p>
<p>Anyways, I WILL be paying for this myself 100%, and am frankly desperate to find a loan system like the college student loan products. It would be a dream to start paying after sophomore year of college, but that is too far fetched IMO. Maybe start paying after prep school, when I enter college, would be nice. <em>beg</em></p>
<p>Are you the student? No one is likely to give a young student with no job or credit history a large personal loan. A loan will require a co signer with a good credit rating. Being a cosigner on a loan is a huge thing to ask of anyone as the cosigner is responsible for the loan if you do not pay it or pay it late, and their assets can be taken away by the lender. Even many parents are not willing to cosign for loans (I personally would never cosign a loan - I would rather have a loan in my own name if I could afford it, than be financially responsible for a loan over which I have no control, only liability)</p>
<p>FYI, even college students needing more in loans than the very limited federal student loans will need a cosigner for a private loan.</p>
<p>You will already have debt BEFORE you start college? Does not sound like a good idea.</p>
<p>I talked with my parents. They are willing to cosign. It looks like a personal loan is the product of choosing, but ideas and comments are still open to interpretation.</p>
<p>@GG: </p>
<p>If you don’t get into your dream school, Harvard, after your PG year, what is Plan B?</p>
<p>If you get into Harvard after your PG year with $65k of debt, what will your total debt be upon graduation?</p>
<p>MaterS i dont believe GG said he wanted to get into harvard are ■■■■■■■■ or something? do you think that everyone who does a PG wants to get into a ivy or something? dont comment on threads just to bash people</p>
<p>Check GG’s earlier posts outside this thread.</p>
<p>Deerhotch, Harvard is my first choice, but I obviously there are four or five other very good fits that would perhaps serve me equally well after college.</p>
<p>$65k of additional debt is a problem. Of course I can always imagine I won’t have a hard time paying it off ;). All jokes aside, college student loan payments do not start until after graduation in 2016… it’s the Prep school that’s a problem. A personal loan, with assistance from my parents, is the most viable option. Unfortunately, my father is NOT convinced at all about PG, so he will not be paying for it, something he could do.</p>