I’m a 22 year old student who’s just been accepted into Hampshire College. If I accept their offer, I will transfer in one course short of completing my first year. My EFC is $7,000 and the college’s COA is $65,000.
I dropped-out of school after the eighth grade and have a <3.0 GPA from community college. I worked really hard on my supplemental essays and expressed a strong interest in an alternative academic structure, which managed to get me in. I couldn’t believe they offered me a $8,000 merit-based scholarship plus $29,000 in grants. Once loans and work study are added in, my total financial aid package is $46,000. This leaves me with $12,000 in unmet need.
I definitely appreciate the college’s financial aid offer and their interest in me attending; I’m ecstatic that I got in, but attending isn’t financially feasible at this point. My parents won’t financially support my effort to attend college and I’m not going to be making $35,000/yr while in college like I am now. The only way I can think of saving money is by living off-campus. I could get a room for $500-600/mo vs. the $1,000/mo to live on campus. (Yes I’m aware of commute and auto expenses.) The problem with this is living off-campus takes away from my financial aid–not to mention I’d actually have to get it approved i.e. this doesn’t seem to be a likely option.
I’ve worked really hard to gain admittance and I don’t want to give up now. Can anyone provide advice on negotiating financial aid?