Student orgs that are good for meeting new people and expanding social circle

Hi everyone I am a freshman who just started school at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. So far everything has been going great and I really glad that I chose this school to attend. I have been making a decent amount of friends in the past month or so. However, I feel like that I would join a few student organizations in the second semester of 2015-2016 academic year(I missed the student org fair this semester). The main purpose that I want to join a few clubs is that I would like to get to know more people and expand my social network here on campus. Do you guys who have been at this school for a while have any recommendations for student orgs that are very useful to meeting my needs? I would appreciate any suggestion and it would be great if you guys can introduce me some super social organizations.

What is your major? Interests? Gender?

I am a guy who majors in Economics. For hobbies I am into fitness, movies, anime and learning about new cultures/ languages. I am also very interested in sports business and mobile technology

Just because you missed the fair it does not mean you can’t check out organizations now. There are so many it is impossible to direct you to the ones you would most like.

For fitness- check out those. If you are a runner check out the club sport of the Wisconsin track club. Go to the sports centers and sign up for things.

For others- go to meetings. There is a list of student organizations on the UW website. browse that.

Are you interested in Ultimate?

Did you mean ultimate frisbee club?

Yes. If you play Ultimate Frisbee (or would like to) you can meet fun sporty people that way and travel by car to local/regional weekend tournaments