Study Abroad: Bio/Genetics in Australia

<p>My daughter is applying for study abroad for spring semester. She’s a biology major who wants to pursue a Ph.D. in genetics/genomics and go into research. </p>

<p>She would like to study abroad in Australia. I like University of Queensland, since it’s part of the exchange program (would make it easier to afford). I also have a good friend whose family lives fairly close to this University in case my daughter ever needed anything. However, James Cook University looks like it may have programs more of interest to her. (This would be about 3-4 hours from my friend’s house.)</p>

<p>Does anybody here have experience with biology study abroad opportunities in Australia? Any information about how much things ended up costing in total? Is there any information specifically related to Australian opportunities that I should know?</p>

<p>For anyone with study abroad experience, can you give me any tips for navigating through the process? How about scholarships offered through the Honors College for study abroad?</p>

<p>The website is completely overwhelming with choices. We do have 4 books my daughter brought home from the study abroad office that make it a little bit easier to make some initial choices.</p>

<p>If you haven’t already, you might want to try these two web sites for some helpful insights:</p>

<p>[Student</a> reviews of universities and business schools in Australia - iAgora](<a href=“]Student”>Student reviews of universities and business schools in Australia | </p>

<p>[Study</a> Abroad Programs, Reviews in Australia |](<a href=“]Study”></p>

<p>Thanks, random! I haven’t seen those links before. I’ll make sure Abby checks them out.</p>