study abroad in cambridge or internship in DC?

<p>Hi guys, I need your advice. </p>

<p>So basically, I sent in my deposit for study abroad in Cambridge a few days ago ($500), but this morning, I found out that I got the environmental policy internship in DC that I wanted. I thought I wasn't gonna get it because i had a really bad interview and they told me that particular internship was especially competitive (they have a bunch of categories but I guess marine conservation is the most popular). They only pick one intern per category - marine conservation, clean air, etc - so it's really good hands-on experience. </p>

<p>The thing is, I'm not even sure if I want to do this as a career. I'm a bio major, but I might potentially go into a field that has nothing to do with marine science/the environment/biology. Also, I reallyreally want to go to Cambridge. I was really excited for it because not only would I get to go abroad and meet cool people and have a super chill summer, I would also get to go to Hawaii with my family. Keep in mind that my internship is unpaid and DC is really expensive, so cost isn't really a factor (though losing the $500 deposit would really suck). I just feel like it would be bad to leave an opportunity to intern behind considering that would mean potentially graduating without a single internship (I'm currently a junior). However, I could intern part-time my spring quarter senior year because I will only be doing research. But that's a very big maybe.</p>

<p>What do you guys think I should do? It's kind of a battle of head vs. heart right now.</p>
