<p>Which country is BEST for study abroad for pre med students?</p>
<p>my options are:</p>
<p>University of Edinburgh in Scotland</p>
<p>Queen Mary University of London</p>
<p>Oxford University summer program</p>
<p>and then any other country you can think of, I welcome ANY suggestions not listed!</p>
<p>I dunno. A lot of the premeds I know, myself included, forgo study abroad all together because it may mean taking important reqs overseas, where the style of instruction may be very different and you're not likely to pay as close attention to your coursework. Given that, a summer program might be best.</p>
<p>However, for those who do go overseas, I have heard good things about the Edinburgh program with regard to filling premed requirements.</p>
<p>My friend did a program at Edinburgh and thought it was fantastic.</p>