Study Abroad

<p>is it possible to do a study abroad program through the school of business if i am enrolled in the college of letters and science?</p>

<p>Do you mean as a Fresh or Soph, or as a Junior or Senior?</p>

<p>most likely as a junior</p>

<p>I have a similar question.. how about going on a study abroad trip through CALS even though I'm enrolled in L & S.. oh and is it possible to take classes through CALS even if that isn't that particular college I'm enrolled in?</p>

<p>dobbs, b-school runs its own study abroad program. See <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>If you like, you can do two study abroad. Maybe a two-semester program in L&S and a summer with b-school or vice versa. </p>

<p>Each school/college maintains its set of international programs so they could pre-determine the transferable courses (making advising easier) and work out the tuition differential issue. Technically, you can study abroad ANYWHERE but you will have to do all the paperwork, transfer the courses you take elsewhere back to UW and get them approved for fulfilling your degree requirement.</p>