Study methods for AP Biology?

<p>I have notes, a review book, and a textbook to study from.</p>

<p>Can you guys give me some tips on studying AP Biology? Thanks.</p>

<p>flashcards! and start practicing the free-response questions early on. the more you write, the better - even if it’s only vaguely connected to the topic involved in the question. also, if your teacher doesn’t cover the required labs, make sure to review those online or in a book.</p>

<p>thanks much.</p>

<p>^ how do you know which free response questions to study for? My teacher sucks and we have not done ANY writing at all…</p>

<p>I bought a set of several hundred flashcards - I’ll need to look up the brand - that have holes in the corners and come with a ring that you can slide 30-50 notecards on. I’d pick a random bunch of cards every day, stick them on the ring, stash them in my purse, and flip through them whenever I had a free moment. Got a 5:) </p>

<p>My textbook came with an online text that had all the labs in animation form- it was realy helpful since my teacher only covered 4 of the labs!! Ask your teacher if your book has something like that, or I can try and give you my old password for the site.</p>

<p>i’m interested in the flashcards you used, i’m hoping to pick these up if you say these are as helpful you claim them to be</p>

<p>How do you know the required lab for AP bio? Is there a description of them somewhere that I can access for free?</p>

<p>The required labs are all listed on the College Board’s AP Bio page. You can also access them with most review books (definitely Cliffsnotes).</p>

<p>[PHSchool</a> - The Biology Place](<a href=“Prentice Hall Retirement | PHSchool | | Savvas”>Prentice Hall Retirement | PHSchool | | Savvas)</p>

<p>The labs and review questions are on this site.</p>

<p>I’ve never taken AP Bio before, but for biology in general, the concepts would be refined by use of flashcards. </p>

<p>Also, make mindmaps with the processes in life, etc. </p>

<p>Though, with things like flashcards and mindmaps, it really varies among everyone. Some find it useful, others not. </p>
