<p>I'm having a bit trouble picturing how a CS major studies for his classes. I know you do a lot of programming, but how do you study for that?</p>
<p>I'm having a bit trouble picturing how a CS major studies for his classes. I know you do a lot of programming, but how do you study for that?</p>
<p>I spend around 5 hours a day just reading the lecture notes. I also program for hobby.</p>
<p>If you’re considering the major as a HS senior, get a course plan from a college that you are interested in and read the descriptions of the courses with an eye to the overall plan. A prerequisite map can show you course dependencies.</p>
<p>With programming, you build up knowledge of the language in class or by reading. You practice on small programs and build up to larger ones. You learn techniques, either by reading about them or in doing them. You may work in teams for programs if they allow that in your prospective school. You may be able to ask for help from your tutoring center, professor (during office hours), or TA.</p>
<p>Ah that ‘‘practice on small programs’’ is a good idea.</p>
<p>we go for lectures on each topic like on Data Structures, Recursion, Linked Lists each week and then have a programming assignment over the weekend based on the topic… so it’s a 5 hr programming session every friday… and reading the theory before exams</p>