studying source help! dont worry not asking for best SAT book

<p>so i have done some research, and basically everyone agrees the official tests are the best source to study from. but other than the printable version online and the CB official sat guide practice tests, where else can i get them? thanks a lot!
also are psats easier than sats?</p>

<p>You can buy PSAT Booklets at or 10 Real SATs in Amazon. Don't do other practice tests from Kaplan, Barron's,... Bona fide things are better !!!</p>

<p>Actually, practice tests from PR are pretty accurate</p>

<p>^I have to disagree...they're not accurate at all (at least in my opinion).
Plus, there's no need to even resort to those practice tests. There are about a total of 19 CB material Tests you can obtain, not including the 10RS book and the 6 previously released PSATs</p>