Stupid Grammer Question

<p>Is using not unlikely incorrect? I see it used all the time. Does unlikely serve as a negative, making this a double negative? I have never seen this on any practice tests, but it dawns me everytime i hear it. THANKS GUYS!</p>

<p>MED 786</p>

<p>if it's 'not unlikely,' isn't it 'likely'?</p>

<p>It's legitamite. It's the same as saying you "don't think something is illegal." Same as saying it's legal.</p>

<p>yeah... i think your right</p>

<p>anyone else</p>

<p>It's not unlike 2pac to smoke weed.</p>

<p>Same idea...</p>

<p>I think it's one of those double-negatives that people use and accept since its usage is actually correct. The problem with double negatives is not that people are against their usage, but rather the fact that they are used incorrectly.</p>

<p>For example:</p>

<p>I'm not never going to like this. (incorrect)
Writer's meaning: I will never like it.
Reader's interpretation: He is going to like it. (not never)</p>

<p>Whilst if you look at bloodandiron's sentence, the double negative is used in such a way that the it gives the correct and implied meaning.</p>

<p>You've spelt grammar incorrectly.</p>

<p>Also with Quesce's example, "I'm not never going to like this" could also be taken to mean "I don't like this now, but at some point I will." It's the ambiguity that makes double negatives typically unacceptable. Clear double negatives are fine.</p>