Stupid question about filling in online application form

<p>Ok this may seem like a really stupid question but - my DD is finalising an online application form and it is very restricive in the way it allows her to enter her activities/community service etc. Has a box for activity, checkable boxes for whether performed in 9/10/11/12 grade and a box to show number of hours monthly. So I am assuming she totals the hours for the year then average out to get a monthly number? Feels awkward doing it when some activities are all in the summer (such as mission trip) but she is showing monthly hours. And what If it is something she has been involved in all 4 years but at different levels in different years. I guess this is a common problem and one colleges take into account?</p>

<p>The common app has hours/week and weeks/year, so it can be pretty clear. Does the application you're filling out have a spot for months/year?</p>

<p>Hey there swimcatsmom~</p>

<p>This is DEFINITELY <em>not</em> a stupid question. I remember my son's being a bit frustrated by the constraints of the online apps for documenting activites such as these. He, too, took part in activities that had more concentration in certain parts of the year. I'm pretty sure that he averaged the hours and gave numbers that most accurately reflected his level of involvement. I am sure that the colleges must realize that the online forms do not allow for the exact, precise documentation of seasonal activities. Just make sure that what your D puts accurately reflects her time expended and her level of involvement. That is really all she...or anyone...can do. ~berurah</p>

<p>mardad - no it literally has one box for 'hours per month' then on the same line checkable boxes for 9/10/11/12 grade. And very small boxes for organisation name and description of activity. Does not really give a good picture of her involvement.</p>

<p>berurah - thanks for the reassuring words. Online forms have some benefits but the severe limitations on describing activities is certainly not one of them! It is also looks a bit odd because in one essay (also very restricted in length - took a lot of tweaking to get it to fit) she comments how the school she has attended the last 2 years makes it difficult to do much community service during the school year then she appears to contradict herself by listing monthly hours. Hopefully they are used to reading between the lines.</p>


I really don't think that this is a problem. What is "much" community service to one person may not be to another. Make sure your D stresses the activities that were most meaningful to her and with which she spent the most time, rather than trying to include every tiny little thing. My son's apps had precious little community service, but many activities related to his passionate interests, which he is continuing to pursue in college. His applications very accurately and in much detail conveyed his interests/passions and so was specific to HIM and not to any preconceived idea of what an application <em>should</em> include.</p>


His applications very accurately and in much detail conveyed his interests/passions


<p>That is one of the problems she is facing. It seems difficult to convey her passion for something when the limitations for describing her involvement are so severe. Basically 'x' activity for 'x' hours a month without any way to elaborate. It is a State U so maybe that is the norm. Anyway I guess everyone applying there is in the same boat so I should probably stop fretting.</p>


Are there any essays required? If not, I can definitely see the problem.... I don't think our state U requires essays unless you are specifically applying for scholarships.</p>


<p>I really hate to harp on this, but OUR Common App says hours/week, weeks/year (i.e., not hours/month). Unless you have a different Common App, which seems unlikely, you may be misreading it.</p>

<p>My son did the following: summer job was 60 hours/week, 8 weeks; every-other-week (usually) volunteer activity was 5 hours/week, 20 weeks; drama club, which varies wildly, was average hours/week, 40 weeks, etc.</p>

<p>Some activities are clearly seasonal; my daughter teaches skiing, for example. Since it is so clear that she does that only in the winter months, she just put the hours/week or month (whatever the app required) for those months that she actually worked. Same for summer employment.</p>

<p>I think the same would be true of a mission trip - 80 hours/week or whatever clearly isn't being done during the school year. </p>

<p>Most applications also have an "Additional Information" or "Additional Explanation" section; she could explain the time frame of the activities there.</p>

<p>JHS--perhaps I missed the place where the OP says it is the Common App she's talking about?</p>