Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

I know someone who won’t look at Emory because it sounds too similar to her name

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My S wouldn’t even consider Dickinson. I don’t think an explanation is needed.

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Lol. My son wouldn’t apply there for the same reason. We are from FLorida and he is now at school in your state!

My son wouldn’t got to UF for the same reason, although they call it 13th grade.

When my son was in 9th grade, his computer science teacher told the kids about MIT and Stanford. He came home and said that’s where he needed to go. My reply was “how about Berkeley?” He said, “I’ve never heard of it. How good could it be?!” Yes, I laughed at him and set him straight. This year that was one of the schools he applied to.

But that lesson clearly didn’t sink in. This year he was getting spammed by Northeastern to apply. He was getting almost daily emails. He blocked them and said, “they can’t be any good… they’re desperate”

I think back to some of the previous parent comments that the admissions folks might change their campaigns if they read this thread. Daily emails… a bit much! I can only assume there was a glitch and DS’s info wound up on more than one contact list because it really was excessive.


Most likely a glitch. Northeastern was overenrolled about 800 freshmen this year so they are not lacking for students.