Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

@NOVAGirl87 So, maybe you’re referring to Virginia Tech? It is helpfu! to identify what school you’re actually referring to. Some kids in many states don’t want to go to their state schools. The fear of a 2.0 high school experience is very easy to avoid at any large instate school, but tends to be as good an excuse as any to not apply somewhere. Good luck to your daughter!

JMU, so many students from her school go there. Good school, but she didn’t want to be among many of high school classmates again.

So S21 just finalized his decision to attend a school that when originally discussed in 10th grade responded with “that’s a dumb name, I’m not going there”. LOL


Forgot about that line from The Blind Side but yes, my D21 ruled out any school with orange as one of their colors!
How the school logo looks on a sweatshirt also very important to her.


Mine just told me she wouldn’t look at a particular school because she didn’t want to go to a school with “school spirit”


I had a kid who hated school spirit too!

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Pugmadkate, I grew up outside NYC, went to college in Pittsburgh, and was stationed in both VA and NC while in the service. Pittsburgh Yinzer accents are far worse than any southern accents.

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My wife did not want my son to apply to Northwestern because it was “too preppy”, even though his aunt, cousin, grandfather and grandmother are alumni. I am sure this has nothing to do with the fact that NU’s graduate business school not only rejected her, but wrote her a snide “you are not Northwestern material” letter.

My neighbor’s son at a Temple University campus tour heard the tour guide mention the school colors were white and cherry. He told her the cherry color looked just like plain red, so why call it cherry? She insisted it was cherry and not red and that the school was proud of it.
He left the tour at that point and crossed Temple off his list saying he “can’t deal with this whole cherry thing”


Went to Lewis & Clark to register for a tour. The campus was once a gorgeous residential estate and the check in area was an exquisite older building — leaded windows, wood paneling etc. D didn’t like that it wasn’t “a real Admission’s building” and refused to wait for an official tour. We walked around but it was a hard pass.


Then you are saying it wrong.

Besides, you’re not going to get a whole bunch of southern accents at Duke. Maybe a few miles away at Chapel Hill.

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Talking to my son about Vassar.

“I don’t want to go there because it’s a women’s college and you went there dad.”

The inherent irony was lost on him and I let it go.


Our guides kept making “W” signs with their hands. S2 was disgusted.


Now I don’t regret that my son did not apply to Madison for engineering.

What does that mean? Why Ws?

BornMe, my guess would be “Wisconsin”

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“Too close to Ohio.” And that was in reference to a school in a bordering state, so essentially any school in a state that borders Ohio. We don’t live in Ohio. At that point, she had only driven through Ohio.

She was mostly joking, but really never has never considered schools in that region, I think mostly because of climate but also because of her assumption that there is nothing interesting or exciting there.

No offense, Ohioans.


Trying to get a feel for my child’s rankings, one of our premier state schools was dissed because “it looked like an office park”. Umm…the 2nd choice school looks like an older office park?? Unfortunately the said state school may be the best affordable option (and checks just about all the boxes other than “ivy looking” buildings). Sigh.