Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>My son doesn't want to apply to Brown because the buildings were too big. I think he wants to reject them before they reject him. He also informed my husband and me that our alma mater, Washington University, is too generic.</p>

<p>Some of the comments at the NYT are as funny as what I'm reading here! </p>

<p>How dare we, parents, how dare we?</p>

Nuh-uh! Pregnancy wins that one. Remember? Your unborn kiddo could dictate when you used the bathroom!

Definition of morning sickness: nature's way of letting you know who's in charge.</p>

<p>Pretty sure my daughter picked Occidental for the palm trees and taco trucks.</p>

<p>Palm trees.....I think that's a perfectly valid reason to pick a school!!!!</p>

<p>taco trucks
taco bell architecture</p>

<p>to each his/her own!!</p>

<p>My youngest didn't even know about taco trucks (and we live in Texas), yet found a town with 2 great ones...</p>

<p>A member of our family drove from New Jersey to visit Duke with her daughter. Her daughter really, really wanted to see Duke. They arrived, daughter looked around and said, "Oh, I don't think I'd fit in here."</p>

<p>Possible signs of wavering on a choice of college ... this is a dialogue between my S and I during a road show by Northwestern U.</p>

<p>The presenter did mention the weather in passing, stating even the CA students will live through the winter. So S leans over and whispers, "Does this mean they've never lost a student to exposure?"</p>

<p>S-1 didn't want to attend where my H and I had attended, for various reasons. That part is understandable. </p>

<p>Immediately after graduation from Elsewhere, he moved to NYC and met another new graduate -- from our college. </p>

<p>Wedding is planned for summer of 2010.</p>

<p>D doesn't want to look at Tufts, my alma mater, because it has a funny name. She pictures some cartoon character with funny hair- I didn't bother to tell her that the actual mascot is Jumbo the Elephant.</p>

<p>DD wouldn't look at MIT because as a middle schooler she went to a one day math competition there. "No cute boys"</p>

<p>Took my D to Cornell yesterday for a Guaranteed Transfer session (she can transfer for next year as long as she has 3.0). Presentation was in Plant Science bldg. We got there early and walked around. We kept seeing all these really bad puns. On one room they had a picture of a mushroom on the door and a sign that said "this is the Mush Room". Also another poster down the hall said: The Berry latest on small fruit research. Those along with the "Cornell is Gorges" pun was too much for my daughter.</p>

<p>She said" If I had seen all these bad puns the first time I was here, I would have never wanted to attend Cornell! I hate bad puns. A top university should be able to do better than that"</p>

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<p>Bryn Mawr - too Harry Potter: Haverford - dining room smelled bad and too many guys on tour wearing socks with sandals; Bard - everyone was trying too hard to look alternative.</p>

DD wouldn't look at MIT because as a middle schooler she went to a one day math competition there. "No cute boys"

That's not true...</p>

<p>at or 4 year college bound, county-wide Sr. celebration last month my D looked at me wide eyed when they announced that a young man was going to be attending the Colorado School of Mines. </p>

<p>"What is that?? Clown college?" She had heard "mimes"</p>

<p>luniari, I fell in love with the olive grove at Oxy. DD's both refused to apply because they each already had enough "cool little colleges" on their lists.</p>

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<p>^^^ slightly off-topic, but in the same vein.... My D was very confused in 8th grade. She came home and said, "A lady from the Abbey came and talked to us today about going to the Abbey high school, but she showed us some pictures and there are boys there! I thought Abbeys were for nuns?" Turns out it was a representative from our county's Agricultural HS, and when they said "County Aggie" D heard "County Abbey." I guess all that talk about construction equipment and landscape design and horses and such didn't sink in...</p>

<p>My daughter crossed Brandeis off her list as being "too earthy crunchy granola". I guess she was turned off by how many girls we saw with unshaved legs and swishy long skirts on our tour.
She loved the architecture and green space at Wellesley until our tour guide lamented how she never gets to enjoy the campus because she is always in the library. When my daughter asked her what she did for recreation, the guide replied that she rarely had time for any recreation. OK, da da da dunnn.
Same daughter didn't like the University of Miami because too many girls were walking around campus in shorts and bikini tops.</p>

<p>Is THAT why so many guys from my D’s high school seem to end up going to Miami!!!</p>

<p>I totally agree with this rejection! This kid is busy reinforcing one of the more annoying myths that we linguists have to deal with!</p>