Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>We are now on "the other side" of the process, but the early posts are about my S and his friends' random reactions to various colleges on an eight-state college tour.</p>

<p>No small schools (HS has 3000 students), no schools in NJ because we live here, no Jesuit/Catholic schools, not too far North (cold), not too far South (hot), wants to be able to come home on a weekend. Selective, but not impossible to get into. </p>

<p>That narrows it down so far to 1 school that has her major. Hope she gets in !!</p>

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<p>D will not consider Skidmore because of the name.</p>

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<p>My S looked at the snow poles & fences in Rochester & decided he's a urban boy & needs warmer weather. He then applied to several East Coast schools, go figure! He matriculated at USC.</p>

<p>My S never articulated the reasons he wouldn't consider UAz & AzSU. My niece wasn't interested in UCSD because they have no football team. She matriculated at ND--partly because of its great football team--for her freshman year only. :( She now refuses to talk abaout football.</p>

<p>By the way, about shoes, one of the senior partners at our law firm said that he was stunned after his first major jury trial when he polled the jury & found what they liked most about him & his case was his nice & well-polished SHOES! Was quite the ego deflator! :)</p>

<p>Several schools (they shall remain nameless because they're perfectly good schools that my crazy D just happened to despise) fell off D's list because the Designer Purse Quotient was too high: too many girls with too many designer purses.</p>

<p>Also, one campus had "too many Jesus statues" - yes, a Jesuit school. Funny, she loved another Caltholic school and attends there now, but this one does have fewer statues.</p>

<p>How about, "she doesn't look good in the school colors."</p>

<p>I've got a million of these and the contradictions are hilarious. here is a small sample off the top of my head:
* Pitt, Goucher, Skidmore - the names were "ridiculous"
* Emerson - young man at desk looked too "arty" - wouldn't proceed another inch
* St. Mary's - sounded as though it is all girls (although it is not!)
* St. Johns - would not get out of car - students looked way too alternative
* University of Richmond - the kids from our HS who apply are not smart enough
* The College of NJ - the kids from our HS who apply work too hard but are not natuarally that smart</p>

<p>We had the opposite problem. While applying D2 liked them all. She was the Will Rogers of college admissions - never met school she didn't like. Every school we visited and several we didn't got an application from her.</p>

<p>BUT...once she got her acceptances in hand, <em>then</em> she gets fussy. I could not convince her to go up and even take a quick look at the Berkeley campus. She got accepted to the number one public school in country, the dream school of thousands of kids, and all it gets from her is a shrug. Why? "Oh, I don't know. I just think I probably won't like it."</p>

<p>Oh, well. If she's happy, I'm happy.</p>

<p>coureur...if it makes you feel better, my D decided against Cal too. Se said "I think I'd find the people in trees and demonstrations a distraction." Done, end of conversation!</p>

My daughter refused to apply to Duke because she said she can't handle southern accents!


<p>That's ironic. Isn't Duke the southern school that enrolls so many Yankees the locals call it, "The University of Northern New Jersey at Durham"?</p>

<p>S would not consider Bard because the tour guide said the word vegan way too many times!</p>

<p>Another one here whose both daughters had/have issues with school colors......cracks me up.....</p>

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<p>D is an athlete and will be referred to as a Lady _________ and will possibly wear a uniform with an animal on it, so silly or nerdy mascots turn her off. No engineers or blue hens for her. And since she's a runner, she couldn't see herself attending a school with a slow-moving or plodding mascot. It doesn't matter if the animal is actually fast, if she imagines it as being slow it's disqualified. No camels and no bears.</p>

<p>D has 24 hours to decide between LEHIGH and UDEL. Lehigh's colors are brown and white while Delaware's are blue. She's not sure if brown will necessitate her changing her whole wardrobe! Any extra valium out there?</p>

<p>Ok, I'm a student and here goes best reason to apply/not appy</p>

<p>Wiliams-only applying cuz the mascot is a purple cow
Susquehanna University-it smelled like cow poop
Any school in Texas-i hate big hair and cowboy boots
Any school in the Boston Area-hate the patriots(and I'm a girl)</p>

<p>Waitingdad: make sure she knows that UDEL is actually Blue and yellow.....I don't know; brown and white seems easier to match, but what do I know....haha</p>

<p>M D attended the information session but would not go on the tour at an Ivy because an obnoxious boy in the front row was wearing a suit and, kiss of death, his mother was wearing a puffy hairband.</p>

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<p>Keep 'em comin', people. I haven't laughed this hard in ages.</p>

<p>(And what a relief it is to know that CC over-achievers can still be irrational teens. :p)</p>

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<p>"No schools in Boston, because I am a Republican & a Yankee fan."
"No New Jersey, no one goes to school in New Jersey."<br>
"Nothing further south than Pennsylvania."<br>
"The guy who interviewed me was totally weird & asked weird questions."
"No Tulane, the murder rate is too high."<br>
"Too much fancy landscaping, too many flowers."<br>
"I don't look good in the color________ which is the school color."<br>
"All people in Ohio are weird, aren't they a swing state?"<br>
"It is too "hot" "cold" there.<br>
"Didn't _______ go to school there? He is a total loser."</p>

<p>we are not that far into it yet, but so many schools are getting crosed off the list SOOO early.</p>

<p>this is a combined list from two kids.</p>

<p>i will not go to a "college" only a "university.
no schools that aren't the main campus.
i don't want to go to a school called "Ole"
i dont like their mascot (rzorback because they call them the hogs. but she is willing to consider going to the school with and elephant as a mascot.
i don't like that color.
i dont like their buildings.
i dont like streets running thru campus.
too cold.
too close.
too far.
i dont like louisiana. though we lived there and she loved it.
too small.
too big.</p>

<p>the list goes on and on.</p>

<p>she will probably end up at her original choice just a little ways down the road!</p>
