Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>oh yea, I totally forgot the "I won't go to a school that_______goes to/applied to/was her first choice".........</p>

<p>..."D has 24 hours to decide between LEHIGH and UDEL. Lehigh's colors are brown and white while Delaware's are blue. She's not sure if brown will necessitate her changing her whole wardrobe! Any extra valium out there?"</p>

<p>No valium here...I learned to like Brown and White..and they have a wide selection of hoodies in the school store that are green, blue, purple, pink....</p>

<p>D hated Vassar because she got a bee sting on her foot while wearing flip-flops during a summer tour of the campus.</p>

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<p>God the New Jersey thing is so true! My D would not even consider Princeton because it is in NJ. And her friends all say that they would go to Rutgers but can't because, you guessed it..."it's in NJ!" </p>

<p>And LOL my D WANTED to go to UCSD because they DID NOT have a football team!</p>

<p>I think (and I am a parent) that the shoes issue IS a big deal LOL. You can actually tell a a lot about a person by the shoes that they are wearing. </p>

<p>However, I would look around at the students not just the tour guide! If there were many students with "bad shoes" whatever your definition is, I would not go to that school either.</p>

<p>I really only think this applies to girls, I doubt guys even notice shoes (I have a son).</p>

<p>The whole thread is so funny!</p>

<p>Another child here with name issues - son won't even consider a school named:
Also has sports rivalry issues that I don't even understand.</p>

<p>S2 nixed Macalaster because of the way the library smelled. And we were there twice, about six months apart, he said it smelled bad both times.</p>

<p>Best reason to not apply: A top 25 university, S1 dream school, really jerked S1 around: recruited him heavily, then kept him actively on the waiting list until almost August (almost begging him to hang on until they would have a seat for him), sent him a great financial aid package that was conditional on him making it off the wait list, then rejecting him in the end. (we learned later that he was not the only one this happened to, and that it was mostly internal politics, but it still hurt). </p>

<p>Now they are recruiting S2. He won't even open their e-mails because he says "I'm not that big an a**."</p>

<p>My S said all Maine colleges remind him of a Stephen King novel...and thus he refused to apply to any Maine Colleges.</p>

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<p>My mom came from a family that owned a shoe store & all her brothers ALWAYS looked at the footware of their dates. <lol> S initially was pretty unconscious (at least I thought so) about shoes. Freshman year he came home with quite a few shoes & sophomore year even more. He purchases them on-line at good prices. He still has several pair he left in his room here & didn't bring back to college with him. D is starting to accummulate a few pairs herself. All thru HS, they basically owned sports shoes. D was thrilled I let her buy two dressier pairs for balls/proms.</lol></p>

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<p>See - shoes are important! LOL</p>

<p>Guess for sons too :-)</p>

<p>My D won't apply to Drew because it has "too much nature." She wants a "country club" feel. Won't consider several other schools for the same reason. We've visited a bunch of schools and not a single one affirmatively engaged her.</p>

<p>My daughter refused to apply to Harvard was Harvard. Seriously. Her reason was that lots of people apply for the name factor and she would not be one of them. Then applied to YPS. Go figure.</p>

<p>Now zoosermom, St. Lawrence University has rather nice town house apartments that overlook the campus golf course, great athletic facilities, great academics as well.<br>
Oh, but the colors, here we go with the colors, D2 has always made fun of "the Scarlet & the Brown." But she is graduating in a few weeks, so colors have nothing to do with it!</p>

<p>My daughter wouldn't look at Harvard for the same reason.</p>

<p>I love this thread, a little comic relief two days before decision time!</p>

<p>Harvard needs to change its name to The University of Cambridge. More people would be comfortable applying...and admitting that they applied/attend there.</p>

<p>St. Lawrence, huh? Does it have, you know, dirt and unmanicured trees?</p>

<p>My D applied to Florida State for Musical Theater, but at the end of her audition day said,
"I don't care if I get in here because I could never go to school here. That stuff hanging in the trees everywhere (Spanish moss) is too creepy!" Hahaha. True story.</p>

<p>My D had a low tolerance for schools with lots of girls wearing Uggs, even less if they wore them in summer and even less if they wore them with mini skirts.</p>

<p>give the tour guides a break for their clothes/shoes... i've gotten held up talking to a professor or working on a project and haven't had time to go back to my room and change before my tours. </p>

<p>that being said, one of my high school friends refused to go to any school that had brick buildings- she would only attend a college with gothic architecture...</p>

<p>My D wouldn't apply to Michigan because the squirrels were too big.</p>