Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>another Pure Nerd: 83%Nerd, 39%Geek, 48%Dork.
If I were a little more techie, trekie, and socially inept I think I could qualify for Outcast Genius. I’m gonna adjust a few answers and re-take!</p>

<p>48% nerd, 17% geek, 48% dork…joe normal</p>

<p>In the Pure Nerd Herd…74% Nerd, 13% Geek, 30% Dork. (Why doesn’t it add up to 100%?) Sigh. </p>

<p>I think my bookcase of Star Trek, Man from Uncle, Northern Exposure, Perry Mason etc. DVDs wasn’t properly weighted.</p>

<p>39% nerd, 9% geek, 0% dork–Joe Normal</p>

<p>Sparkles21 - love the reference to the Nerd Herd (from one of those shows that, if I didn’t have TiVo, I’d have to rearrange my schedule for).</p>

<p>For everyone else, I’m sorry to start this off-topic nerd vs geek thing - but it has been interesting. I scored as a nerd in the quiz, but I know I’m definitely a geek about knitting…</p>

<p>I’m a nurse-so GERD to me is indigestion-didn’t know it had been coined for something else</p>

<p>Thanks BraveUlysses for trying to bring this thread back! </p>

<p>Those who choose to continue off-thread why not start a new one with your topic?</p>


<p>Relative refuses to consider Hood College because “I am not from the hood”.</p>



<p>HAHA. Hood is nowhere in the hood.</p>

<p>/girl who lives less than a mile from Hood College.</p>

<p>My needle phobic D was ruling out colleges that required TB tests. She is certain she does not have TB. (She already had the menningitus shot, relunctantly). LOL</p>

<p>Well, I have heard of the swim test as a deal breaker!</p>

<p>D: “It smells here. I could never go here.”</p>

<p>mommidswest, your daughter will have to rule out entire states.</p>

<p>NC requires a TB test to live in dorms. My D is needle-phobic as well - lucky for her she’d already had a TB test within the previous year for an internship in a health care facility.</p>

<p>Fortunately for her sake, a health care career is not in my D’s future. I can’t imagine how anyone is afraid of needles, but she is. She found a nice school in Texas that doesn’t require TB tests unless you are in the health care field. Teenagers, you got to love em!</p>

<p>Back to the Hijack!</p>

<p>Pure nerd here:</p>

<p>52 % Nerd, 0% Geek, 13% Dork</p>

<p>A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd</p>

<p>S refused to consider any college whose diploma is not written in Latin.</p>

<p>D refuses to consider colleges that send her “excessive” mail.</p>


OK, I’ve got to ask … how did this work? Hmm, School A looks interesting … let’s hit google to see a diploma to see if it is written in Latin? (BTW - I agree degrees in Latin look much more regal).</p>

<p>How many colleges still have diplomas in Latin? </p>

<p>(Of the five diplomas in our house, two–from different schools-- are in Latin.)</p>

<p>D refused to apply to Notre Dame after family vacation with friend who went to ND and entertained us nightly with a beer induced diatribe about how wonderful ND is, ND is the Harvard of the Midwest, Football…Football…blah blah blah. He told her he would pay her application fee but she flatly refused. Don’t blame her by night 4 we were all so sick of hearing about it that I don’t think anyone in any of the families will ever apply there, too bad, I am sure its a nice school!
Son ruled out MIT because of the Meal Plan…Tour guide was talking about how fun it was to get together and cook meals, my son looked at me in a panic and said, I want someone to feed me!
On the issue of Tour Guides, we once had to switch tours 3 times before we found a guide that my son wanted to listen to…
Princeton…all three kids (took all on their own college tour) disliked Princeton because of eating clubs and two of three didn’t even finish the tour when they heard this, the nail was put into the coffin for #3 when the tour guide went on and on about his senior thesis and how he had started it his junior year and it consumed all his time. What does she think she is going to college for???</p>

<p>Loving this thread so funny…</p>