Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>Niece refused to seriously consider UCSD after the guide said their football team had a “perfect record,” because they have no team. [She went to ND & they did well her 1st year & then all downhill after Brady Quinn graduated.]</p>

<p>My daughter refused to look at my alma mater because they only had a Dillards… “No Saks or L&T?” That whole town is ghetto."</p>

<p>BowTieFratty, based on your screen name, I have to wonder if you’re referring to Wake Forest. :)</p>



<p>That’s what they say at the University of Mary Washington, too! Except S wears the “UMW Football–Undefeated!” t-shirt proudly. :D</p>

<p>I refused to look at colleges within Iowa (I live in Iowa) because I didn’t want the ignorance of the state schools, the private ones didn’t impress me, and I was ready to branch out.</p>

<p>Now I’m in Wisconsin and love it.</p>

<p>DougBetsy: lol… yep my son goes to Wake Forest and loves it!</p>

<p>I ruled out two schools because they weren’t friendly over the phone when I had questions.</p>

<p>^^^Pack, that’s a good indicator. Having to deal with staff is important, as a parent, and just think, if you have issues when you’re on campus, away from your parents, you’re going to want to have a good support system. I know I actively steered my son away from a college that was giving him a full ride because the staff was not helpful on the phone, there was no person in charge in a lot of important departments, like scholarships and housing, and I felt like my son was going to have no support if he ever encountered any difficulties, no matter how small or large.</p>

<p>I’m a student, and I rule out a lot of colleges for stupid stuff:</p>

<p>Any college in Philly: Philadelphia smells weird, especially if there’s another trash strike
UDel: blue hens?
Fordham: a not-very-nice person at my school wants to go there
St. Lawrence: I don’t like their website
Harvard: Cornell is my dream school, and even if I don’t get in I would never think of going to Hahvahd :)</p>

<p>Boy who DD never liked (but liked her) went to Swarthmore. She just won’t consider applying there.</p>

<p>Agree if the staff for a U isn’t nice/helpful when you’re thinking about applying, why would you think it might improve once they have your $$$$? Best foot forward & all that, might be MUCH worse once they know they’ve hooked you!</p>


That sounds brilliant to me!</p>

<p>DS called Indiana U the other day to schedule an appointment, and almost struck them from the list b/c of the elevator music he had to listen to on hold. Hope the visit goes better than that!</p>

<p>DS needs a big reality check. Sorry. Can’t wait until he hits the job market. Please do IU a favor and take IU off the list.</p>

<p>All the crazy stuff on here and Barrons comes out swinging on behalf of elevator music? Wierd. </p>

<p>We have given up on several places that weren’t helpful on the phone or by email. Now, if they were D’s top choices they would have stayed, but that’s the odd thing: colleges that are swimming in apps seem to have generous, thoughtful people in place to answer questions and help with the process. Colleges that could use the boost…phone calls bounced from one dept. to the next and back, emails never answered…</p>

<p>Gwen–maybe that’s WHY they are “swimming” in applications. Top to bottom, they’re a good organization.</p>

<p>Just a little venting about one of those places that is swimming in applications but didn’t come across as the least bit welcoming. Two years ago, as a high school junior, my my son went to Middlebury’s website and requested an information packet. He was required fill out an online questionnaire asking his GPA and what high school he attended. His unweighted GPA was 3.95 so that didn’t present a problem, but he was attending a small rural high school in northern California, certainly a school not usually on their radar. He didn’t receive anything from them, so he filled the whole thing out for a second time. Middlebury did not respond in anyway to my son’s overtures. Middlebury was not just crossed off but excised with an Exacto blade from his list.</p>

<p>Because Muzak is one of the most innocuous things out there and therefore the dumbest reason not to look at a place.</p>

<p>As I type this, Daughter is touring William & Mary. I asked her how it’s going via text. Her reply: It’s soooooo old. </p>

<p>Hmm. That doesn’t sound good. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Let’s see …</p>

<p>Too Southern (S hates southern accents), no NJ (experience driving through the state many times I guess), no Philly (OK, my sports bias influenced him, sorry), and no home state of MD (who knows why).</p>