Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>Barrons, that is the whole point of this thread – “stupidest reason kid won’t look at a college.” Why not give a “that’s one of the best ones to date” if you think it was stupid, as opposed to singling this kid out? And I have consciously chosen businesses that have a better answer time over businesses that keep you on hold forever. Some Muzak is worse than others.</p>



<p>I highly doubt that Middlebury didn’t send your son a packet because of where he’s from or what his grades were. It could have been a glitch in the system. He should have called and requested a package. Also, he could have applied online, as all of Middlebury’s application materials are readily posted (or linked to) on the website. Maybe the college is trying to save some trees!</p>

<p>Sorry–to me stupid is just stupid. I should give them a cookie too?</p>

<p>we’re having fun here, barrons. </p>

<p>All the reasons we are reporting are stupid (and often funnny).</p>

<p>“Sorry–to me stupid is just stupid. I should give them a cookie too?”</p>

<p>No, but you should get a sense of humor.</p>

<p>barrons, now I see why you have so very many posts.</p>

<p>arcadia, I know this thread is about the stupidest reasons a kid did not apply, but remarks were being made about the most selective schools being the most efficient. I was disputing that. Middlebury constructed an online request system that asked for stats BEFORE they sent information, the only institution where S encountered that. They asked for an email address so they could have just emailed saying they were saving trees. He filled out the online request twice, six weeks apart, that’s a pretty long computer glitch. As an 18 year old who was navigating a lot of stuff himself, he felt he shouldn’t have to beg.</p>

<p>Elmira sent D a purple feather from the school’s mascot. Could never get her interested in visiting after that.</p>



<p>I don’t think a cookie is necessary. But, you know the old adage, “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”</p>

<p>“Maybe the college is trying to save some trees!”</p>

<p>Having driven through Michigan and Pennsylvania in the last couple years, I’d like to assure everybody that this planet still has a ****load of trees left.</p>

<p>"colleges that are swimming in apps seem to have generous, thoughtful people in place to answer questions and help with the process. Colleges that could use the boost…phone calls bounced from one dept. to the next and back, emails never answered… "</p>

<p>Well, now you know why one group is swimming in apps & the other could use a boost!</p>

<p>If you tour Middlebury and surrounding Ripton campus - you’ll see the trees…forests and the school’s own ski slopes! LOL
This school never made the list - as it snowed when we were driving out of there on April 30th! We were told too many months of snow…
Also, Boston College was cut before we even entered the campus - the child’s quote/reason: “Too big, too Catholic!”</p>

<p>When we attended the Middlebury info session, which was led by the Dean of Admissions, I asked him to explain the college’s slogan, which had something to do with the importance of the liberal arts in the 21st century. He totally fumbled around, trying to come up with an answer. (i’m a parent, so this doesn’t fit the thread, but just adding to the gaffes by Middlebury.)</p>

<p>Many of my guy friends won’t apply to UCSD even though it’s local, with great academics and a beautiful campus. Why not? “Triton Eye.”</p>

<p>Explanation here: [Urban</a> Dict](<a href=“Urban Dictionary: iphone/”>Urban Dictionary: iphone/)</p>

<p>I think we broke Urban Dictionary!</p>

Looked elsewhere to find:
“The Triton Eye is a disease caused by being around ugly girls at UCSD too long and your standards for what is attractive is lowered extremely.”

<p>I’m still laughing about PMKjr’s reason for knocking Princeton off his list. During the tour the guide introduced the Architecture building as the “ugliest on campus.” Well, it turns out that was PMKjr’s favorite building at Princeton so that was that.</p>

<p>Plus he thought Princeton looked “too old.” We still had several Ivy League schools to go so we had a quick talk about how architecture was not a valid reason to take a university off his list. He probably did it anyway but told me something different. In fact, he did wind up at a modern looking city campus. Hmmmm…seems he did factor architecture in after all!</p>

<p>S1 refused to continue the tours at several schools because he didn’t like the archetecture.</p>

<p>My son did not want to apply to The University of Wisconsin, a school of which he knows absolutely nothing, because he said “why would anyone want to live in Wisconsin?”, as if it were on the moon.</p>

<p>Well, some people do claim that the moon is made of cheese…</p>

<p>mafool, I am hitting the imaginary “Like” button.</p>