Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>Those squirrels were huge. What a memory.</p>

<p>My D turned down a full ride at Tulane after staying at the Honors dorm overnight. Something about funky smelling bathrooms, yes, she told me all 3 that she walked in. I tried to explain that it's a BATHROOM but to no avail......</p>

<p>^^ I agree with your D- bathrooms are very important. She should have toured the bathrooms before even applying.</p>

<p>D wouldn't apply to any schools in the South (except safety) because......umm, it's the South. </p>

<p>She was born and raised in Georgia, but feels "like a Yankee."</p>

<p>Colgate: "Toothpaste? I could never tell anyone I went there with a straight face."
Skidmore: "Sounds like 'skid marks.'"</p>

<p>Wisconsin-Madison: "It's in Wisconsin." Q: What's wrong with Wisconsin? A: "I don't know, it's just . . . Wisconsin. Too many cows, maybe?"</p>

<p>Michigan: "No way. YOU went there. I'd feel like I was just following you to YOUR college."</p>

<p>Middlebury: "It's in the country; too isolated."
Wellesley: "It's in a suburb; too boring."
Columbia: "It's in the city; too distracting."</p>

<p>Bates: "My tour guide said he never studied and he fell asleep in class all the time but it's OK because other people gave him their notes. Let's get out of here."</p>

<p>Smith: "I'm not going to a women's college. Unless it's Bryn Mawr." Q: What's wrong with a women's college? A: "Well, it's all women; most of my best friends are male." Q: But then what's different about Bryn Mawr? A: "Well, it's just different, it's . . . cool."</p>

<p>If I was smart and had lots of good places to apply, and could get into, I would reject colleges because they had the wrong number (any prime numbers, or any numbers which have more than one "1" or "7") of words in their accecptances, because there were too many people named Johnathan (any more than .8% of the student body named John, Jon, Johnny, Johnathan, or anything like that and I'm out), because I threw 3 darts at a dart board to decide between with all the names of the colleges on it and didn't hit that college with a dart, or if one of the professors is missing exactly one finger.</p>

<p>This ridiculousness is just my sense of humor, even if you thought it was dumb tell me you thought it (or this) was funny or I'll cry.</p>

<p>^^ No, it sounds like an appropriate response to the capricious way in which selective colleges select students.</p>

<p>Does Michigan really have huge squirrels?</p>

<p>Oh, I can be parent #3 with the "don't look good in those colors" - pink and green at Sweet Briar in VA - just not right for a red head, I was told.<br>
And other profound comments:
Skidmore - didn't like the name, sounds like "skid row"
Colgate - toothpaste but the BF of one D goes there and loves it
Tufts - no way, sounds like something you pick off your dog or sweater (seriously)
Anything west of PA - not "east" enough
Duke/Princeton - didn't like the names, sounded like royalty
No school where they wear lots of Lily Pulitzer b/c "that line of clothes doesn't fit me well"
Nothing "hidden religious" - D 1 was just shocked (well, she was only 13 at the time) to find out that BC is a Jesuit school, ditto G'town. She thought that was "sneaky" and flat out refused to look at any. Her opinion is that they should all claim it upfront in their name, like "Holy Cross" or "St. Something"...
Lehigh - tour guide read from index cards. Off the list immediately.
Syracuse - "I am not going to a school with the 'Orange Experience'. Sounds like a huge piece of fruit".....</p>

<p>Fortunately D 1 is happy where she is studying and D 2 just made her choice and is happy about it.....but the process sure was exhausting!!!!!</p>

<p>My D was very annoyed with the walking backwards thing on tours which eliminated almost every school. By the end of our visits, I was irritated by it too. Makes them all seem like clones.</p>

<p>My S refused to apply to Stanford b/c of the earthquakes, fires, and mudslides that occur in California. Of course, we live in a state that gets slammed with hurricanes every year, but "you can see those coming."</p>

<p>But ... earthquakes, fires and mudlsides are merely three of our seasons. :)</p>


<p>Hmmm, would the 4th be the Santa Ana Winds?</p>

Harvard needs to change its name to The University of Cambridge. More people would be comfortable applying...and admitting that they applied/attend there.


<p>That would be quite confusing. I imagine the original University of Cambridge wouldn't be too happy.</p>

<p>For my part - I could never go to a school called Tufts or Bucknell. Especially Tufts. That's what my friends call a mutual acquaintance of mine who has, well, tufted hair.</p>

<p>My son eliminated one because he didn't like the kids on the tour he was on and the parents asked inane questions like "Why would someone prepare Ramen in their room when they are on the full meal plan?" He also eliminated one school that was 1200 miles away because lo' and behold there was a student from "the next town over" who just happened to be 1200 miles away touring that school on the very same day at the very same time. It gave him the creeps.</p>

<p>Stanford: "it's in Palo Alto" (eye rolling)</p>

<p>Wellesley: "it's in the boondocks"</p>

<p>Princeton: "the people in the admissions office wouldn't give me their business card, when I asked for one" (DD really liked the student tour guide, however)</p>

<p>GW, American U, Duke, Rice, Vandy: "it's in the South"</p>

<p>but my favorite:</p>

<p>Reed, "it smells like trees"</p>

<p>My daughter refused to give serious consideration to a great school because she doesn't like someone who goes there..we're talking large school where the likelihood of running into him would be slim to none , since their majors are worlds apart.</p>

<p>She loves where she is anyway , so it's good.</p>


<p>Yup, you got the 4th.</p>

<p>FSU--the guys were too polite</p>

<p>Hartwick - D didn't like the fact that the campus was on a hill.
Bowdoin - The outdoor track wasn't well kept (I suppose that since she is a runner this might be a problem)
USM - Campus split. Doesn't want to have to take a bus to class
University of Rochester - Too many people from her class are going there
SUNY Albany - Ugly campus - not sure what she meant on this one
Sienna College - Too close to her grandparents
American University - Too close to her brother
Cornell - Too big
University of Vermont - Didn't like the main road going through the campus</p>

<p>Picky can you tell.</p>