Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>I just posted on another thread…sort of the opposite.
I know someone who liked Bloomsburg because it sounds like Bloomingdales.</p>

<p>My daughter won’t look at any of the University of Wisconsin schools because “Don’t you know that kids from Minnesota don’t like Wisconsin, Mom.” Mind you we moved here from Texas 4yrs ago. LOL</p>

<p>I love this thread. Wish I found it earlier.</p>

<p>I didn’t apply to USC because I lived in the area for 11 years before moving out.
Granted, I loved living there for all of those years, but that’s not the point!</p>

<p>Funny post #1042. The flagships for MN and WI draw many from each other’s state with the tuition reciprocity. A lot of Twin Cities kids want out of town so they head to UW-Madison.</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>My D didn’t like Tulane because the humidity made her very curly hair look like Medusa. She said she didn’t want to struggle with it ever day…she decided on a northern school.</p>

<p>^That is NOT a stupid reason!</p>

<p>^I agree. That sounds like a woman with the right priorities and time management skills.</p>

<p>My mom didn’t want me to apply to UCSD because it’s too close to Mexico LOL</p>

<p>D1 refuses to consider any college in Vermont. She says there are too many trees. She’s ruled out New Hampshire and Maine for similar reasons.</p>

<p>I periodically come here to this thread for a laugh. It’s the best.
Bloomingdales—that was pretty good. But my current favorite is “UCSD is too close to Mexico”. HAHAHA.</p>

<p>We kept asking our elder kiddo to start seriously thinking about what he DID and DIDN’T want in a college & he kept saying anywhere was “fine.” That all changed after he visited Rochester, NY. I pointed out the snow poles and snow fences and he decided he’s more an urban, warm weather person. :wink: I was pleased that he decided before he chose and then wanted to transfer.</p>

<p>Hey now, snow-NH’s trees (and VT and ME) are the BEST in fall! I grew up there and take my youngest back to visit yearly. The first time we drove along the freeway at night that she was old enough to pay attention, she got real quiet and said, “Where are the lights? There are too many trees!”</p>

<p>Glad to see this thread bumped. My favorites were the big squirrels, and not liking the tour guide’s shoes. </p>

<p>My D declared that she hated a school because her Dad got lost when driving from campus to the barn where the equestrian team practiced. I tried to explain to her that it looked like it wouldn’t be such a bad drive once you learned the route, but to no avail.</p>

<p>My cousin ruled out a college because she didn’t like the student guide’s earrings.</p>

<p>I am a huge fan of KU basketball, so UNC-Chapel Hill is out (Roy Williams is a traitor), as are Bucknell and Bradley (they beat us in the first round of March Madness!!!). Mizzou and K-State are out too (rivals!)</p>

<p>Rockhurst is out because I hear an annoying commercial for it on Pandora almost daily. Alabama-Birmingham is also out because I drove through Birmingham once and a radio station had an annoying jingle. </p>

<p>Case Western Reserve doesn’t “sound” like a school, so it’s out. </p>

<p>St Olaf, Bryn Mawr, and Chicago are out because they send too much mail. </p>

<p>Ohio State is “The Ohio State University” and the “the” drives me crazy. It sounds pretentious. </p>

<p>Colgate, DePauw, Cottey, Friends, Skidmore, and Pepperdine are out because I can’t take the names seriously. St Louis is off the list because I can’t take the mascot (Biliken) seriously. </p>

<p>I refuse to go anywhere in Pennsylvania because I’ve had two really bad experiences on the PA Turnpike. Even if I don’t have to drive on the turnpike, I won’t go to a PA school.</p>

<p>Good stuff. Luckily my DD is not interested in USC, but even if she was, I would forbid her from applying because just about every USC alum I’ve ever met is a jerk, including my boss at my college job in Tucson who fired me because I wanted to go home for Thanksgiving weekend and asked for Friday and Saturday off.</p>



<p>These aren’t stupid reasons at all! Here in NC (and ACC country – at least the old ACC), we consider team allegiance to be a perfectly good reason for not considering a college. There are diehard fans of one university who would never considering applying to a rival university. That’s one reason that Duke doesn’t get much love around here.</p>

<p>For the record, Roy Williams grew up in NC, played at UNC, and was Dean Smith’s assistant coach at UNC before he went to Kansas. He was just coming home. ;)</p>

<p>I think bailey’s post sums it up. I can’t tell you how many people I know who are annoyed by the “The” in OSU. (Even worse is when you see people on this site post “tOSU.” </p>

<p>I also have a thing about how the names sound. Tufts sounds like a brand of toilet paper. Harvey Mudd has two bad names in one. Johns Hopkins has that annoying extra “s.”</p>