Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>OSU never seemed like an offender in the name category. We have good friends who are alum and never once used ‘the’ preceding OSU. My low maintenance son had a teacher who was an alum who insisted on stressing THE Ohio State University, and it came up more often in class then any academic topic they covered. By the end of freshman year he would say it with such a bad taste in his mouth I knew he’d never consider the school. I too chuckle when I see it abbreviated tOSU.</p>

<p>I am not a fan of the “the” either, but that’s neither here nor there, because where I’m from OSU is Oregon State University!</p>

<p>From the time he could say “Go Blue!”, we’ve told our son “anywhere but OSU”. ;)</p>

<p>From the time he could say “Go Bucks”, we’ve told our son “anywhere but Michigan”</p>

<p>HA HA HA :slight_smile: I couldn’t resist!!! But we are Bueckeyes!</p>

<p>“I am not a fan of the “the” either, but that’s neither here nor there, because where I’m from OSU is Oregon State University!”</p>

<p>The only OSU I’ve ever heard of is Oklahoma State University!</p>

<p>Q. When the kids/students make such silly judgments do parents ever just go parental and overrule them?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t overrrule them since it is just one less school on the list. Now if DS had rejected all the in-state options, I might have had a showdown.</p>

<p>The trees comment is hilarious!!</p>

<p>Around here, OSU is Oregon State University, and our daughter is transferring there in the fall. Her dad and I are Big Ten (he IU, me Wisconsin) alums, and it’s still hard for us to hear “OSU” and not think it refers to our mutually hated rival, the “other” (not “The”) OSU.</p>

<p>Son ruled out Carleton College because he thought their school year was too long. Under the trimester system, school started early in September and ended in June.</p>

<p>@jaylynn - I don’t understand why you and your husband bear such animosity towards Oklahoma State University. Go Cowboys! ;)</p>

<p>My son has a friend who eliminated Oberlin because they emphasized a Study Abroad program in France. Apparently he hated French class and did not want to be around anyone who was excited about the language and culture.</p>

<p>rmldad: :D</p>

<p>Go Cowboys!!
Go Beavs!!
Just… no Buckeyes!!</p>

<p>My DD told me today that she kept getting mail from “some place called St Olaf” (which would probably be a good fit for her), but she would never go there “because it sounds like a school for witches or giants”?! Lol!</p>

<p>^Wonder what she would think of a Gonzaga?:)</p>



<p>25 years ago she would have said she didn’t want to go to St. Olaf because the dumb character on the Golden Girls went there.</p>

<p>The fictional “Jay Gatsby” also (briefly) attended St. Olaf.</p>

<p>Having just read Gatsby in English and watched the movie, I am surprised DD didn’t remember that! ^ I would have thought THAT would be a selling point for her!</p>

<p>Guess they didn’t want to go somewhere where a fictional character worked as a part time janitor.</p>

<p>;) But, to quote DD “he’s very attractive!” Haha!</p>

<p>Aw c’mon! Betty White is hilarious! The story I’ve heard is that the writer of “The Golden Girls” was a Carleton grad and stoked the feud between the schools by having Rose (Betty White) hail from St. Olaf, MN, where unlike Lake Wobegon, everyone is below average.</p>

<p>I always liked this thread so here is one of mine:</p>

<p>I visited one school that wasn’t too bad but the area around it reminded me of the first five minutes of an episode of Law and Order. I kept expecting to find a dead hooker or something. This kind of made me write off any school in an urban setting.</p>