Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>My older son had a preconceived notion about Temple, calling it “the University of Flyers’ fans.” I suggested it to him, and he reluctantly agreed to visit the campus. He muttered snarky comments throughout the tour, and demanded that we cut out early. He did not apply there as a high school senior, but is trying to transfer there now.</p>

<p>My D thought the doors were ‘too heavy’ at the buildings of one LAC.</p>

<p>^That might be the best (worst) reason yet…so funny!!</p>

<p>Don’t know what LAC @sschickens is referring to, but spend two years there and two years at Lehigh, and a kid could develop great upper and lower body strength!</p>

<p>sschickens, hysterical!</p>

<p>Daughter absolutely refused to consider U of Richmond because she hates spiders (their mascot). After dragging her there to take a look she remained adamant. She applied to humor us. Fast forward - she fell in love with the school after visiting again, choosing Richmond over her previous first choice. Go figure.</p>

<p>/\My older daughter would have needed medication to attend there. She is terrified of spiders. </p>

<p>We made an unofficial visit to Harvard between tours at Tufts and Brown. It is “too touristy,” per S.</p>

<p>@sschickens‌ I had that problem at my old high school. All the doors there were auto-lock things you’d find on a fallout shelter. Weighed about as much</p>

<p>This thread is hilarious. </p>

<p>My son saw the picture of the schools pool and he said he wouldn’t go there, granted he is in 8th grade and this was for his older sister and she will not even consider a school near home, university of Miami wasn’t on her list of colleges</p>

<p>My H claims to have selected his first–he transferred twice–school because he liked their baseball diamond.</p>

<p>S rejected a bunch of good schools for silly reasons:</p>

<p>Arizona State (Bartlett Honors) fell off the list immediately after a counselor asked him, “How will you feel about continually justifying a degree from a party school for the rest of your life”.</p>

<p>Illinois Institute of Technology: “The campus buildings look like they were designed by an East German Cold War-era architect.”</p>

<p>“They’re both in places that are hotter than Hades”: University of Texas - Austin, University of Arizona</p>

<p>“They’re too far from civilization”: Purdue University, University of Illinois UC</p>

<p>“They’re all too conservative and redneck”: Any school in a state south of the Mason Dixon line.</p>

<p>“It’s too close to home…like way too close”: University of Nevada (five miles away from our house).</p>

<p>He ended up attending the University of Minnesota, in the Twin Cities, where temperatures plunged to -50 degrees over the winter, and he loves the place.</p>

<p>nevermind ignore this post, my mom beat me to my story lol</p>

<p>Texas A&M: ugly t-shirts</p>

<p>Lehigh University: (Aside from being in Pennsylvania) their school color is brown and I’m AA. I don’t want to be a chocolate brown person wearing a chocolate brown t-shrit</p>

<p>Ole Miss: sounds like the name of a cow</p>

<p>SMU: girls dress up for football games and only rich kids go there</p>

<p>Fordham University: FU</p>

<p>No school with the name “Tech” in the title</p>

<p>One of the most important, I want to go to a university not a college so no Harvey Mudd </p>

<p>UT-Austin: though I will be applying here I originally didn’t want to be cause they had too many trees</p>

<p>CSU Northridge: Not enough trees!</p>

<p>Texas State: too many hills</p>

<p>ASU: There’s a reason they’re a party school. There is nothing better to do in Arizona other than get drunk (not implying that I drank when I lived there) . Also, I’ve lived in AZ and the temperatures are crazy cold (for a person from Tx) or crazy hot. </p>

<p>When parents asked why I don’t like any Mid-West schools: No one. Lives. There.</p>

<p>Syracuse: Couldn’t imagine wearing a tshirt that said “Go Oranges” and didn’t want “The Orange Experience”</p>

<p>Miami University in Ohio: as stated in the post before “geographic identity crisis”</p>

<p>though I never liked football, I don’t want to go to a school without a football team</p>

<p>Now that I read over my reasons, they are pretty stupid.</p>

<p>Today my D crossed Bloomsburg off her list because we had some odd people in our tour group obsessing about things like laundry and student bank accounts. And that is apparently the college’s fault. Sigh.</p>

<p>“It’s in Connecticut!”
(…her only experience of CT being driving up the dreary highway one time from New York to Maine. I finally got her to agree to look at 2 schools in CT but she went into both with a preconceived notion and they never made it to the short-list!)</p>



<p>That’s a new one! I will tell my Yankee friends that, since a lot of them think that Texas is all flat, barren desert. (The west part of Austin is VERY hilly.)</p>



<p>As an occupant of those buildings I would tend to agree and in fact they were designed by a German Architect in the 1950’s. Ironically, that is one of the reasons we have tourists coming to see the campus from Europe all the time…</p>

<p>lol, maybe that style will come back “in” one day.</p>