Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>@mainelonghorn Oh absolutely! </p>

<p>Party school concerns about ASU are legitimate in some people’s eyes.</p>

<p>“We made an unofficial visit to Harvard between tours at Tufts and Brown. It is “too touristy,” per S.”</p>

<p>I don’t think that ought to be a deal breaker, but I don’t think it’s a stupid reason, either. There are lots of tourists on campus all the time, often in big commercial groups. That’s a significant annoyance, frequently mentioned by H students as their least favorite thing about the school.</p>

<p>There was a tour group on U of M’s campus the other day. I overheard one girl told her mom she wasn’t going to apply because “It’s just too cold here today.” </p>

<p>I don’t think it’s dumb, I just thought it was funny considering it was in the 50s and we routinely had days well below zero this winter :wink: </p>

<p>A previous graduate wouldn’t apply to any schools that made him write supplements

<p>Some of my reasons (these weren’t deciding factors per say, but they were things that spurred an immediate reaction from me):
“Their mascot is a cow. I’d look stupid with that on a shirt.”
“The team name is The Engineers. That must sound weird at sporting events.” (Ironically, this school was my top choice. I’ll let you guess which school)
“I will not go to an LAC because they’re too small and not around any sort of life forms”
“These dorms have attached bathrooms. I want to go here.”
“The ‘P’ stands for pretentious” (Let you guess this one too)
“There’s too much religion here”
“It’s too warm. I like living in a foot of snow. And I wouldn’t be able to use 2/3 of my wardrobe.” </p>

<p>For some reason, this double posted. Ignore this. </p>

<p>Is the penultimate one NOT Liberty, BoJo, or BYU?</p>

<p>@Hannah–I agree with your assessment. In fact, S ended up applying ED to a school much more off the beaten path (and getting in for Class of 2018) so he had a valid point, in hindsight, in terms of where he felt comfortable. It was just funny how easily he dismissed Harvard.</p>

<p>I kicked a school off the list after the tour guide spent five minutes talking about the women’s dorms’ well-attended weekly Bachelor night. A little thing, but I can’t stand that show.</p>

<p>Another went off when I noticed nearly 100% of the ladies in the cafeteria at lunch carrying purses. I can’t carry a purse.</p>

<p>DD was another one with a HUGE bias against southern schools. This was a serious problem, since she is a NMF, and most of the big-money scholarships are there. Fortunately, she was accepted exactly where she wanted to go the most. But still . . .</p>

<p>@warriordaughter I would have crossed that school too. I hate that show as well.</p>

<p>Daughter didn’t want to hear about Bryn Mawr because she didn’t want to attend a school with a name that looked like it had been pounded out on a keyboard.</p>

<p>Davidson–too green (it was beautiful)
Wm&Mary–too touristy
U Illinois–D can’t stand it, I don’t know why
Macalester–too small
Wisconsin–we used to live in Madison so too familiar</p>

<p>D used to laugh at all the college brochure’s that listed “wifi in the dorms” as an amenity. She said that was the same thing as bragging about having indoor plumbing. Well we visited a school last week that, you guessed it, DOESN’T have wifi in the dorms. (St. John’s College-Annapolis) While it does have wifi in the library, its apparently a dealbreaker.</p>

<p>Also won’t look at Roanoke because it is “creepy” that its named after the lost colony and “aren’t they afraid that all the students will turn up missing one day”. The fact that is named for a city with a current population of 100K does not sway her. </p>

<p>College X because it had the same mascot and colors as her high school.</p>

<p>Columbia University (!) only got wifi in all its dorms two years ago. <a href=“All dorms to offer Wi-Fi by fall 2012 - Columbia Spectator”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Love it @ScienceGirlMom!
And @DEfour, I agree that no wifi would be a deal breaker, but the Roanoke comment cracked me up.</p>

<p>Daughter wanted to look at University of Wisconsin Plattville because of a reclamation program they had and she just loves people from Wisconsin. After looking at it she said, “Everybody is from Wisconsin”. Hello, why do you think it is called University of Wisconsin?</p>

<p>Not Liberty either
just because of the name.</p>



<p>Penn State Altoona doesn’t have wifi in the dorm rooms. There is wifi in the dorm lobby, and everywhere else on campus. But not in the dorm rooms. There you have to plug in. What the 

<p>I thought that was really odd. And I actually think it would be a huge deal with my daughter’s surgically-attached iphone. But she was oblivous.</p>

<p>And @Emmasmum – 2 of the 4 schools we’ve toured have her high school colors, which she hates. She wasn’t happy about it, but it wasn’t a dealbreaker. lol</p>