Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

^ Skunk?

No. I live in upstate NY. I know what skunk smells like. This was inside every building. This wasn’t the only reason I disliked the school. It didn’t feel right plus my program of interest has been cut. Even before I knew that the smell and overall atmosphere turned me off

@californiaa There are schools stateside that look like Hogwarts. Bryn Mawr’s architecture comes to mind and I know there are others that my old brain can’t think of right now.

Kenyon, St. Olaf . . .

Arcaedia University

@honest mom-- interesting comments re: Providence, since the East Side, where RISD is located, is the nicest part of the city, and very close to downtown, which is very vibrant.

Rhodes really looks like Hogwarts, and, every year, they re-enact a “wizard’s duel” on top of luncheon tables in the dining room.

@californiaa, I’m sure you could do a search for American Universities with architecture based on Oxford. It could help change her mind. I thought Buzzfeed did a Schools that look like Hogwarts series.

Hey I did,

Scroll to the bottom.

Sonoma State (DS) and UC Davis (DD) were ruled out for smelling like cow poop

Well, this one just in for DS. May not be a STUPID reason, but certainly an overreaction. Website description of the school’s honors program includes the following: “The criteria for invitation to the Honors College is(sic) fluid
” My son’s reasoning is that if their description of their honors program contains poor grammar, that’s too much of a red flag to overlook.

@honestmom that’s actually one of the many reasons I refused to apply to Rutgers, haha!!

@Jara123 I couldn’t stand a school that didn’t have a Subway near campus!!

My son did not want to apply to any colleges where the weather is generally warmer than at home. May be a silly reason, but it really help us figure out where to focus.

I’m new to this thread and still trying to catch my breath from laughing at the page 1 posts. Toothpaste! Shoes!

I was just informed by my D this morning that she “can’t go to school in a red state.” I steered her to a red state / blue state map on Wikipedia and let the subject drop for the time being.

Sure hope the schools she’s excited about in major blue state cities have some mega merit aid available, or the spring will be interesting!

Quite honestly I’m relieved to see that there’s plenty of quirk to go around, not just my kid. Too many trees on campus? I went to college in the desert and we needed every tree we could get.

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Ok, I always get the red states and blue states confused; can’t remember which is which, lol

What’s interesting about your case, @ohiovalley16 , is that I hear Ohio is considered a “purple” state, :). I think Iowa may be, as well

The thing is, though, I believe it’s more of a matter of rural vs. urban, no matter what part of the country, in terms of political/ideological leanings

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Yeah, I’m not in Ohio but one of the neighboring Ohio Valley states 
 very red except for the major cities. Which underlines the excellent rural vs. urban point.

Flagship U’s in purple states can be interesting as rural kids get a dose of liberalism in college! An education outside as well as inside the classroom
 I grew up in the suburbs of one of the most liberal U’s in the country and thought I was conservative until I left town after college.

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DD2 visited Lehigh recently and was very impressed with the school, but she complained that their school color is brown. lol

School colors were definitely an issue for D. Several schools were cut (worst combo yellow/brown) from that.

But the “silliest” was that she cut a school (Emerson in Boston) b/c she didn’t like the fact that the tour guide went on and on about the amazing waffles at Sunday brunch and how everyone lines up for waffles
b/c she isn’t a big fan of waffles/pancakes/etc (she doesn’t like syrup- never has. Something is wrong with the kid)

i ruled out case western reserve bc its in Cleveland

Have you been to Cleveland lately? From one who went to CWRU back in the 80’s it has come a long way.

I think the Yellow/Brown Combo did not help attract my daughter to Rowan Univ.