Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

Have you ever walked on the trail with alligators literally on it at times? Now that was some close contact with those beasts.

How about this one
 walking down a beautiful street in Southern California
 “Mom, I don’t want to go to school in California. It’s beautiful, but it’s like vacation. I don’t want to go to school where it feels like vacation all of the time.”

D wouldn’t consider Vanderbilt because she heard somewhere that the women dress up and wear make-up to class.

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@Hanna Are you sure about this? (post #1171)

Battle Hymn of the Republic is almost dirge like (appropriate for JBB), while the Auburn tune is fast and furious. I am no musician, but I hear no resemblance whatsoever – even if slowed down.

@gettingaclue‌ I have to admit I would feel the same way. I loved my women’s college: half the time most of the class was in sweats, and makeup was decidedly optional.

My daughter is at Vanderbilt and doesn’t find that to be the case. Many students are in sweats, shorts, etc. As a matter of fact, my daughter dresses down more than she did in high school. She is now happy wearing work out shorts and tee shirts (well, when it’s warm)!

We are from California and older daughter would not apply to any school OUTSIDE of the state and in fact only wanted to only apply to schools near the beach. Ended up going to UCD - 130 miles from the ocean. Younger daughter would not apply to any school IN the state. Now attends school on the east coast. Fast forward a few years and older D has graduated and only applied for jobs on the east coast (and is living there now). Younger daughter has declared she is planning to apply for jobs only in California when she graduates.

My sister applied to several elite liberal arts schools and small universities, but refused to look at Dartmouth (we were literally driving right through New Hampshire) simply because it’s in the Ivy League. No further reason was ever given.

Family lives in Colorado and daughter 1 has decided she doesn’t like heat and humidity. Good thing she likes the instate choices.

“@Hanna Are you sure about this? (post #1171)”

Yep, a million percent sure. I heard them do it live at Jordan-Hare stadium with everyone singing all around me. Like most colleges, they have more than one fight song. Hear it here starting at about 1:05:

As someone pointed out upthread, UGA uses it too:,Glory%28fight_song%29

I am no longer pursuing a college whose entire campus smells bad.

What does it smell like?

I didn’t want to apply to any schools that have plaid as their school color.

I am now attending a school that has plaid as their school color.

I thought plaid as a school color was funny! (My oldest attended one.)

Not a school but a dorm.

I took D to accepted students day and we were able to see all of the dorms (as opposed to campus visits where they take you to the NICEST dorm (expensive) on campus.

Well, we were debating between the suite style dorm and the traditional dorm. here, I’m thinking my little princess would want suite style (since I nixed the expensive new dorms).

No. We looked at both suite and traditional dorm (with the showers and toilets down the hall) and she LOVED it. She said she liked the soothing colors of the hallways much better in traditional (least expensive). She said should could never live in the more expensive yellow colored walls, it made her sick.

Neither of my kids would apply to Penn State (we live in PA). Both of them said too many of their HS classmates were going there and they thought it would feel like they were still in HS. We could not convince them that on a campus of 30,000 they were unlikely to run across their HS classmates!

Also my D decided not to apply to RISD after we visited there. Even though we saw about 1/20 of Providence she decided she just didn’t like the city. She did a summer workshop at SCAD last summer - her original dream art school - and decided not to apply because Savannah was too hot and rainy.

@honestmom - Savannah and Providence are both great locales! Curious as to what locations interest your daughter?

My D wants to go to Oxford because it reminds her Hogwarts. I tried to discourage her, told her about the terrible weather, rain, cold, plain English food, etc. Next, we had an opportunity to visit England, almost for free. The weather was perfect, everyone was really nice, even food was great! Now she is really dreaming about Oxford :frowning: I have nothing against it, but I am afraid she has little chance of being accepted.

Marisan- I cant describe it besides nauseating. And I am not sensitive to smells at all. My mom thought it was an odd smell-not mold, mildew or sweat.