Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>A neighbor's daughter refused to look at Nazareth College in Rochester and The College of Saint Rose in Albany because they were "too Catholic." Despite their names neither one is affiliated with the RC Church any more.</p>

<p>I'm not a parent, but I definitely won't go to any school that is a "college". I will only go to a "university". At least it narrows down the playing field, right?</p>



<p>Having lived near a paper mill at one point in my life, I can say this is an excellent reason to reject a college. The smell is dreadful, and I never got used to it.</p>

<p>This isn't really a bad reason. But my daughter ran the other way when the admissions advisor started quoting bilble verses. She decided the school wasn't for her. Many small liberal arts colleges were started by churches and the influence remains.</p>

<p>Lucy: great reason not to apply to a school; IMO.....please PM me the school to make sure it's not on my daughter's list (save me a trip....haha)....</p>

<p>S refused to consider Virginia Tech because it was "too close to home". The funny thing is he's happily going to Maryland which is two hours closer to home. (Of course the real reason is he sees VT as 13th grade because so many kids from his HS go there.)</p>

<p>We told our son that he needed an in-state school, so he selected William & Mary, just because it was in state. He hated the place -- the dorms, he thought, had not been painted since Jefferson was a student there. On a more serious note, he could not bring himself to look at Virginia Tech -- he lost a dear friend in the shootings.</p>

<p>My S would not apply to Carnegie Mellon because "it was founded by Andrew Carnegie the great exploiter of the working class."</p>

<p>Daughter won't consider Tufts because another kid in the school ( not her friend, mind you) has "claimed" it.</p>

<p>Younger son feels he should go to a school in Boston because the Yankees need him there.</p>

<p>I went to a law school where you literally had to walk past the pig pen to go between the grad dorm & the law school each way, every day. Loved it there--it was UC Davis! There are also cows & other animals on campus. It did get fragrant when the wind blew in the wrong direction but otherwise it was a great experience!</p>

<p>D won't consider Carnegie Mellon because "it sounds like a library and a fruit."</p>

<p>D applied the death penalty to a college whose backward-walking, flip-flop-wearing tour guide didn't know anything about the sculptures that dotted the campus. She generalized that as indicating a lazy, uncurious student body. She also had a refuse-to-get-out-of-the-car moment based on "Just LOOK at what those people are WEARING!" I pretty much understood that -- honestly, the clothes probably did indicate an approach to life not compatible with her own -- but I would have been less grumpy if the people whose clothes offended her most had been students, not parents.</p>

<p>S was much more rational. He would not apply to any school (a) that his sister had hated, (b) that had unjustly (as he saw it) rejected his sister, or (c) that reminded him in any way of Williams. ("Williams" was his shorthand for cute, small, and isolated.)</p>

<p>LOL! The squirrel thing cracks me up!! I grew up in Michigan and trust me, the squirrels are harmless. Yes, they are slightly bigger than those out east (I'm in NJ now) but nothing to fear!</p>

<p>Son won't even consider Wesleyan (CT), because Bill Bellichick graduated from there (he doesn't like the way he coaches). He also won't consider Tufts because he doesn't like their mascot (The Jumbos - large elephants). He also won't consider BC because he doesn't like the way they play ice hockey (claims they're chippy).</p>

<p>At the College Fair at DS’s high school, he and his friend asked every rep they spoke with what the college’s mascot was. (I am hoping they asked some serious questions as well!) My quirky son’s favorite: Syracuse U’s mascot, Otto the Orange. Yes, an orange.</p>

<p>I nearly forgot Conn College. Visited the school, but he won't apply because of the "duck" incident. When we were leaving the school, on the main road right in front, a mother duck and her ducklings decided to cross the road. We stopped, but the car behind us decided that waiting a few seconds for some ducks to cross was too much time to waste so he darted around us and nearly ran over the ducks. Luckily the ducks missed getting hit, but son refuses to apply because he thinks that everyone in New London are animal haters.</p>

<p>Between the ducks, the supersized squirrels, and the smell of the cows, it's just a wonder anybody goes to college anymore.</p>


<p>This thread would give school admins nightmares! Knowing that all their marketing and program building is being overruled by bad shoes, backward walking tour guides and killer squirrels!</p>

<p>No to Conn.College-coed BR's.
No to Tufts- AA reminded her of obnoxious braggy friend.
NO to pearls
D2 likes Yale because Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls TV show) went there.</p>

<p>My D refused to consider a college that had the same name as the last name of a girl at her high school. This girl was instrumental in spreading a very nasty rumor about D her freshman year, and as a result D said, "I will NOT go to a school called Lastname and wear a sweatshirt with Lastname on it."</p>