Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>Yale's gotten a lot of promotion because of the Gilmore Girls - not that they needed it but, yes, they do mention it regularly! My daughter's were big fans and my younger daughter was telling my older daughter where to visit when she went to BDD, very cute.</p>

<p>Curious about those Michigan squirrels. Are they bigger than ones across the lake? or are East coast squirrels really small? Are we all thinking basic gray squirrels, or are the smaller red ones? Michigan/Wisconsin- is it worth trips through/around Chicago? Probably have more parents vetoing either one for that reason since the schools have a lot of similarities in many respects.</p>



<p>I'm a Davis grad too, and beleive me, fetid animal pens smell like perfume compared to the stench emitted from a paper mill.</p>

<p>LOL! I've solved the mystery of the giant U of M squirrels! They have a club that feeds the squirrels!!!</p>

<p>The</a> Squirrel Club—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor</p>

<p>They even have t-shirts!</p>

<p>The</a> Squirrel Club—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor T-shirts</p>

<p>OMG - that is one big squirrel wearing that tee shirt! No wonder the kid freaked out.</p>



<p>It is a pet peeve of my D when the tour guide starts pointing out and talking about the sculptures, especially statues of dead people associated with the campus. After a few tours it gets really tiring to be told about why touching something is good luck and going through some archway means you won't graduate in 4 years. As much as she liked Yale she would have like it a lot more if the guide hadn't gone on and on about the history and legends of Yale.</p>

<p>About the Michigan squirrels. Actually they talked about them in our tour and they are really big. They even have a squirrel club at UM The</a> Squirrel Club—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor</p>

<p>Think the size of a large cat. Seriously.</p>

<p>Dang! I posted at the same time as SVMMom.</p>

<p>Vicariousparent, was the "archway" thing at UGA? If so, D did the opposite, she said "I don't want to graduate from there in four years, I don't even want to go there!"</p>

<p>The Michigan squirrels make me think of the gopher from the movie Caddyshack.</p>

<p>@vicariousparent: The sculptures in question were Art, not Dead White Males. Moore, Noguchi, Lichtenstein, that sort of thing.</p>

<p>WOW on the squirrels -- S2 just saw the pictures and said, "mmmm...stew!" Might be a reason for him to apply! (gak)</p>

<p>Gong through the archway at UGA (at least when I was there in the dark ages when Russell Hall was a freshman guys' dorm) meant one of two things: 1) you wouldn't graduate; 2) you'd be sterile.</p>

<p>Not a college issue, but my son refused to live in a house in medical school because it was too close (a block away,) to a middle school classmate (a guy he got along with!) I tried to figure that one out but gave up; he was so serious about not living there.</p>

<p>Family went for a June visit to Houston a couple of years ago (we had lived there for several years a decade earlier). I drove DS through the Rice campus and suggested we visit the Admit Office. He refused even to get out of the car. "It's too hot," he said. I told him that it would not be that hot for most of the school year. It made no difference. He wouldn't get out of the car.</p>

<p>S didn't want to look at schools w/o an In-N-Out Burger w/in walking distance.</p>

<p>My youngest D (only a freshman in hs) has already decided she does not want to go to school outside of CA. She still has a few years to decide so I hope she will be more open to other choices when the time comes. This decision came after a friend of hers (they rode horses together) went to school last fall in North Carolina and only came home for Christmas break. My D then decided she didn't think she could be at a school that was so far away she couldn't come home at Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>NO all girl schools-too much estrogen and DRAMA. ? no boys less drama? OH well.</p>

<p>Those squirrels are terrifying! They are huge! I wouldn't go there either. </p>

<p>And I agree about the paper mill. Whenever anyone says "You'll get used to it," that's a really bad sign.</p>

<p>Reasons not to go to a school? Beware of "The Insider's Guide to Colleges." A discerning and/or determined teenager can find something terrible in just about every school.</p>

S didn't want to look at schools w/o an In-N-Out Burger w/in walking distance.

That is not a stupid reason at all. Your S sounds very wise. In fact I'm going to suggest that my son consider it.</p>

<p>this is one of the funniest threads I read on here! I don't have any stories to share since my son only visited 2 colleges and he would have gone to both. I had to force him to apply to more than 2 (none of which we visited, but one was my financial safety school if all else failed)</p>

<p>College A: Old girlfriend goes there.
College B: Old girlfriend could not get in there.
College C: Nobody I've ever known goes there.
College D: Too many kids I know go there.</p>