Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

Oh, well, the BROWN ones. You know what those people are like. :wink:

^^^I thought we had a scandal starting when I read the post above without any context. I was about to grab some popcorn for this one.

I can’t be the only one that reads from the bottom up.

I hope you are!!!


DD’18 - “Because”
Me - “Can you elaborate? X school seems to tic all your boxes.”
DD’18 - “No, just because”.
Me - “That’s helpful!”
DD’18 - eyeroll

My daughter is applying to Furman EA after a visit last summer where she was impressed by the campus and the city of Greenville.
We got a postcard today with a big, purple FU on the front and she found it a little jarring.
Not a deal breaker, though…

Here’s a recent one for my D:

She doesn’t want to apply to Vandy, because she doesn’t like country western music. :))

@dragonmom3 Then there is the Fu Foundation School of Engineering at Columbia:

I got a big purple FU from Northwestern back in the day. I guess they were telling me I should have applied to Furman . . . . :))

@dragonmom3 As a Furman freshman I can say that we LOVE to use FU whenever we can… especially when the football team loses!

D refused to look at Smith because she applied to their summer science program in tenth grade and they didn’t accept her.

OHMomof2…that seems reasonable, actually. Lol.

my son said the same

My daughter is afraid if she goes to a school out in the boon docks if there is civil unrest villagers might attach with pitchforks and the like…I kid you not.

If there is broad civil unrest, I’d much, much rather be in the boondocks than someplace heavily populated.

It actually sort of does. The SSEP is much harder to get into than the college itself, though. It just left a bad taste in her mouth about the place. In the end the only all women’s school she applied to was Barnard because it wasn’t that “all women-ey” to her as part of Columbia so I doubt Smith would have made the cut anyway.

She goes to college in the area now and on a visit we stopped by Smith’s botanical gardens and had a nice laugh about it.

I really thought that my Son should have chosen UNC-Chapel Hill since it was the best public university option of the colleges he was accepted to OOS, this year. He visited for an hour and chose to not explore further because he said that it felt like it had the vibe of the high School he attended. Red brick with a lot of the same looking kids, the only diversity he saw was from their amazing basketball team. I still say it is a great school. He said that he wanted a more diverse experience. Maybe this isn’t a not a silly reason. I think he made a rash judgment based on first impressions.

My D18 refuses to apply to schools in the north because they lack southern charm.

“My D18 refuses to apply to schools in the north because they lack southern charm.”

Well, that does make sense. Though some of the heavily Greek LACs in the Midwest (like DePauw and Denison) have a social feel that harmonizes with the South.

@Hanna Beg to differ about Denison being heavily greek – it’s about 25-30% greek life participation, so more like Kenyon and Dickinson, whereas Depauw is in the range of 60-75%.

S19 received a mailing from Rensselaer and said the name looked “elvish” and “weird.”