Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

Pepsi v Coke is totally within the spirit of this thread.

While this didnā€™t keep a child from checking out a school, that child was extremely suspicious of the smell of the water.

Mom, you know how much water I drink.

Iā€™m like: How about a brita filter . . ā€¦?

As a first-year college student who went through the college search, I was one of those kids who wasnā€™t always the best at expressing what I was feeling. To me, all these reasons are just a way for a kid to say, hey, this school isnā€™t a good fit, even if I canā€™t tell you exactly why. For me, I had weird reasons for disliking UC-Davis (palm trees freak me out) and Hamilton (tour guide wore boat shoes). Were those the real reasons I didnā€™t like those schools? Heck no. They were just the most immediate reasons I could give in order to cross them off the list.

@jazzygirl18 I rarely recall seeing anyone at UT wear cowboy boots (except for a few frat daddies in charge of bringing Bevo or the canon to the few football games I attended my freshman year). Other Texas schools? For sure. But Austin is the one blue dot in an otherwise red state. In many ways, UT is culturally the polar opposite of Texas A&M, for instance.

But there are idiots at every college and in every state. (Itā€™s just that other states donā€™t all agree on the footwear that is part of the idiot uniformā€“LOL.)

The Pepsi vs Coke kid sounds like my kind of student :slight_smile:

@Waiting2exhale same experience with Stanford - 15 minutes into the tour my daughter (who is a high school freshman - my husband and I are the college students in this case) said ā€œ1. can they get over the sports already and 2. even the grass is fakeā€¦ can we go now?ā€ - on this occasion she was totally right, so we left. Funnily enough UCB also focused on sports during our tour - totally weird.

@natty1988 my DD is in her sophomore year at LMU and it truly is like the brochure. Sunny, beautiful campus, kids out and about. Weā€™ve visited several times and it is like paradise. She studies outdoors on a regular basis and posts pics of the sunsets and the fountains. Also everyone we have met there, including professors we came across when we were out strolling the bluff during family weekend, is so nice!

As to the original thread, my son will not consider Clark (and heā€™s planning on being a Psych major) or Holy Cross because ā€œNo Massachusetts schoolsā€. ??? Heā€™s not anti-cold weather or East Coast, never been to the state, so this makes no sense to me but he wonā€™t elaborate. I think it might be what an earlier poster said, heā€™s really just overwhelmed and doesnā€™t want to add more schools.

@TS0104 We had a similar things with my D. We visited Trinity and Fairfield and she felt both were too ā€œpreppyā€ for her. After visiting a group of schools in NY and PA I suggested that we add/visit Conn College ā€“ she flatly refused and said she didnā€™t want to visit another college in CT. I couldnā€™t understand that reasoning but eventually it became clear to me that by the time I suggested Conn College she had a good group of schools she could see herself being very happy at and I think she just didnā€™t want to muddle things up.

My D20 is resisting considering Tufts (in which a fair number of her HS track teammates have matriculated) because she doesnā€™t like how the name sounds.

I eliminated Ursinus because of the name. No kid of mineā€¦! :slight_smile:

@TQfromtheU Ursinus means ā€œbearā€ in Latin Ź•ā€¢į“„ā€¢Ź”

Awww! Cute!

My son19 did not like the name Case Western Reserve, said it sounds like cheap wine LOL. Like how would he know about cheap wine anyways?
He also did not like the MIT and RPI are both named the Engineers for their utter lack of creativity.

Coke vs Pepsi is a legit concern, respect.

@RightCoaster LOL! I have not heard that one before about Case Westernā€¦ I have heard "I thought it was a military academy " (e.g., Army reserves).

But actually Case Institute of Technology merged with Western Reserve College in 1967 or so.

And Western Reserve came from:

The Connecticut Western Reserve was a portion of land claimed by the Colony of Connecticut and later by the state of Connecticut in what is now mostly the northeastern region of Ohio. The Reserve had been granted to the Colony under the terms of its charter by King Charles II.

Connecticut relinquished claim to some of its western lands to the United States in 1786 following the American Revolutionary War and preceding the 1787 establishment of the Northwest Territory. Despite ceding sovereignty to the United States, Connecticut retained ownership of the eastern portion of its cession, south of Lake Erie. It sold much of this ā€œWestern Reserveā€ to a group of speculators who operated as the Connecticut Land Company; they sold it in portions for development by new settlers. The phrase Western Reserve is preserved in numerous institutional names in Ohio, such as Western Reserve Academy and Case Western Reserve University.

good facts @bopper, thanks for sharing . CWRU looks like a cool place. Iā€™ve never been there, but that school has a lot of stuff my kid is interested in and is looking for in a college.

ā€œCoke vs Pepsi is a legit concern, respect.ā€

If a student is a Pepsi fan they certainly donā€™t want to go to Emory University!

I tried to get my son interested in Case Western but he wasnā€™t interested in even looking up more about it. I wish colleges would think about targeting 18 year olds when they select their names. Of course Iā€™m the one who told my son I was going to say Texas A&M instead of TAMU because TAMU sounds like a topical ointment.

I tried to get my son interested in CWRU as well. No dice. For him, it didnā€™t seem to be an issue with the name so much as where it was located. He couldnā€™t even say the word "Clevelandā€™ without a look of disgust. No idea what poor Ohio did to him, but it was obviously quite serious.

I think I mentioned way back, but my kid didnā€™t consider CWRU, because: a) the name is wierd and b) more importantly, as a Golden State Warriors fan, didnā€™t want to have anything to do with a city or state that had LeBron James in it or from it.

LeBron is now in California. Is your son switching allegiances and becoming a Rocketā€™s fan?