Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

Some links about Cleveland

D19 feels the same way about the name. Maybe Case just needs a name change?

@eb23282 Not a Harden or CP3 fan either. :wink:

Arcadia University thankfully changed their name, from Beaver College.

OMG apparently Aracadia’s original name was “Beaver Female Seminary.”


We toured CWRU, it was pretty and Cleveland looked like a lot of fun. I hadn’t known what to expect.

To keep the thread on track, S19 wouldn’t even consider even peeking at Duke because of their sports. He comes from a very anti-Duke sports fan family.

@RightCoaster maybe his thinking of Case Western Reserve as wine was based on a CASE of wine and some wine is called RESERVE? But that is usually not the cheap stuff, I don’t think!

I agree with those who almost (or did) reject a school due to it having Pepsi products rather than Coke. I almost told my daughter to reject U Oregon for that reason but in the end decided I could live without Coke Zero when I visited. The Dutch Brothers coffee nearby is pretty darn good, so I guess that makes up for it.

“I’m not going to consider any college with ‘Christian’ in its name, and I’m not going to consider any college with ‘Texas’ in its name, and I’m certainly not going to consider any college named ‘Texas Christian.’ Besides, they’re the Horned Frogs. I’m not going to spend the rest of my life telling people I’m a Horned Frog.”

This is response to an unsolicited mailer from TCU.

@bclintonk Sounds like my son’s reaction to the University of South Carolina’s mascot name when his cousins tried to talk him into that school.

What is with all the people who won’t look at a school because they don’t want identify themselves by the mascot? Who does that? I have told plenty of people over the years that I went to Wesleyan. Never once for a single instant has it crossed my mind to identify myself as a Cardinal. And I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone talk that way.

@millie210 I think part of it has to do with how much the school emphasizes it or is into sports. I went to Central College and never gave a thought to being a “Dutch” (also graduated Buena Vista University so I guess I was also a “Beaver” but I attended a satellite and it was never a thing for me). But I bet loads of Iowa State students consider themselves a “Cyclone”.

Colors and mascot were an issue for my D’19 and in some cases I had to agree they were off-putting! My D’19 was turned off by the angry red mule plastered on every page of the University of Central Missouri website. But other school websites it took some looking to find out the mascot, it varies. I also tried to advise her if she went to a “red” school she didn’t have to buy red clothing, they do put out apparel in other colors. But she is going to attend a green school so we’re good.

Well, would ANYONE like to identify themselves by RISD’s mascot, Scrotie? I’ll probably get banned if I link to a picture of it because it’s exactly as it sounds.

@bclintonk D had a similar reaction when the counselor mention Southern Methodist. “I don’t like any of those things plus it’s in Texas - no thanks.” Meanwhile she is applying to BC so she’s not against religious schools, I think she was just worried it would be very heavy handed because it was actually in the name!

I went to St. Lawrence, our mascot was a saint (so tough!) Nobody ever called themselves a saint but people do call themselves Larries. I now live in FL - lots of people who went to UF call themselves gators.

@PetraMC, regarding the mascot, to paraphrase,

Some things can’t be ungoogled

My eyes, my eyes

Proud to be a Buff. A Forever Buff. My friends are Buffs, we have Baby Buffs, we travel in Herds, we like to Roam.

You can’t all be so blessed. Sad.

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@PetraMC OMG. I had never heard that and had to check it out 
I agree why would anyone want to be know as that mascot

Everyone at Michigan identifies as a Wolverine. Go Blue!

We were driving to Union and there was a roadsign on the highway for Canada. He said, “I’m not going to school near Canada!”
I said “they didn’t just move the country, maybe a little basic geography would have helped before planning this.”
We were supposed to meet with the lacrosse coach, needless to say that never happened

@cavitee That is funny, we liked being close to Canada, not for the weather but for the fact that the drinking age was 18. :stuck_out_tongue: There was also usually someone willing to head to the duty free shops at the border to get the stronger Canadian beer! Don’t think my parents ever considered that a positive though!

My nephew toured Penn State and every time someone passed the group, they’d yell “WE ARE” and everyone was supposed to respond “PENN STATE”. Completely turned him off - immediately came off the list.