Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

@jjjoanne Have her apply to McGill. It is in Montreal and 4 blocks from the Canadiens arena. :wink:

Why didn’t she think of that? :))

Same thing with the pronounciation thing for my daughter but with Dusquesne.

Apparently it’s pronounced Do-Cane, but my daughter kept jokingly saying “Due-kes-nay” and couldn’t get past that.

It’s actually Duquesne.

@sevmom Good thing you pointed out my typo of adding an extra s. It underlines the point I was trying to make about that tricky name.

Fairleigh Dickinson University de-emphasized the anatomical reference, but in NJ was often referred to as “Fairly Ridiculous University.”

My D21 nixed Haverford because they don’t have enough recycling bins around campus.

@PetraMC Mizzou is the only school she will reluctantly deign to consider in the Midwest. She really is hard headed.

My D20 says that she is not interested in applying to any of the same schools that her sister applied to because, “other than grades and scores, we are nothing alike.”
I told her that they are all well researched great schools, fit our budget and might be worth looking into on her terms

My D told me today she will only consider schools that offer Korean language (no, we are not Korean). Talk about limiting your options.

@Dancingmom518 Is that the same technique my daughter used as a child? you know, i will only eat round cereal with holes in it (oh you mean CHeerios?)
setting a parameter so they only one that fits is one they want anyway?

@bopper No, she just really, really loves the Korean language and culture. She is trying to self-teach herself Korean and learned how to cook Korean cuisine, listens to the music, watches movies, etc, etc. It’s a great interest to have, but sheesh, she couldn’t like something that’s offered at more schools?

My child refused an entire metropolitan area (Boston) b/c he’s a Yankees fan.

@ChaosParent23 Good! :))

My daughter got waitlisted at Duke. I think my husband was relieved when she picked a school (Vanderbilt) that didn’t have a history of beating his beloved UConn in the Final 4.

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We’re immigrants. My daughter wasn’t interested in colleges in places her friends back home “would never have heard of” ?

No to Wesleyan. The dining hall felt like it was mill too far away from freshman dorms. Simply. too long of a walk down a steep hill with the cold and snow.

No to Harvard. The word “college” on all the letterhead made it sound like it was the diminutive form of “Harvard University”.

@Memays My D didn’t like the bee mascot at Tech so it was off the list lol.

The Hallyu wave has hit lots of people, trust me.