Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

@Nicki20 my Jewish daughter was drawn to the Jesuit philosophy on education. But she was not comfortable with the crosses in the classrooms at BC Not a stupid reason to not apply just an individual decision. However, she really like LMU and did apply there.

@dragonmom3 Haha, if you watched The Office, Kelly gave away all her cold weather gear in PA, thinking she was following her fiance to FL. Turns out his job was in OH.

“I will know everyone there.” Referring to a local state school that has 25,000 students.

@mountain88 Yes! Okay, in our case not that extreme (only 5000 students), but when I tell her kids from school make up .003 of the student population she says it’s .004 too many. School fits her wish list in so many other ways though.

My daughter went to a 10,000 student school that was 2000 miles from our home. She lived in the same dorm as a boy from her K class and knew another girl since they were 4 years old too. The girl wasn’t too friendly with my daughter (her mother and I were friends), but they ended up crossing paths a lot and it was FINE.

“It’s still a less stupid reason than ruling out Catholic universities because of the plethora of crosses and crucifixes”

Sorry I don’t think that is a stupid reason at all. My Jewish kids weren’t comfortable with that. Many aren’t. It says to them “This isn’t your place”

Which, IMO, is fine. Not every college is a fit for every student. But there’s a difference between applying/attending a college that is nonsectarian, but has strong religious groups on campus vs a college whose first line of its diversity statement says that it is “dedicated to intellectual excellence and to its Jesuit, Catholic heritage.” Similarly, applicants considering schools like Pepperdine or Yeshiva should have an understanding of the overall culture of the universities.

But what you said @Skieurope was that this was a “ stupid reason”. I wholeheartedly disagree

Stupid reasons being the title of this thread.

Eliminating a school because it is Catholic = valid reason for some. Eliminating a Catholic school because it has crosses = stupid reason across the board, IMO. But YMMV.

Bring on the funny stories, enough with the hair-splitting!

My husband and I went to Syracuse. My son wants a big spirited sports school. But apparently, he’s not allowed to apply to any school that has ever beaten Syracuse. If I suggest a school like Kentucky or Kansas, my husband looks at me like I’m crazy. I actually googled “colleges that have never beaten Syracuse to get ideas”

A funny story- my oldest D toured Georgetown a few years ago. My husband disappeared for a few minutes. He went into a chapel and prayed she wouldn’t go there. Lol! She didn’t end up applying but is considering applying there for law school.

We did not have the opportunity to visit colleges. But two stupid reasons that I read on this website often are; it’s not out of state, and my parents want me to apply to

The name: Sarah Lawrence
Can’t imagine saying he has a degree from there

So he wants to visit Sarah Lawrence but he won’t commit!!!

@JBSeattle more like he’s trying to get past the name to see the benefits.

Sorry that was an attempt at a joke!

My D refused to look at Dickinson for reasons that may be obvious from its name

@Hopper2019 Can I assume that your son has never read Emily Dickinson? :slight_smile:

@TomSrOfBoston – That’s exactly where I went as well! Tried to convince him that there are many great Dickinsons (and specifically mentioned Emily Dickinson!). Alas, we was unpersuaded. He just said he couldn’t imagine walking around in college “swag” from that (wonderful!) school

Can I put in a stupidest reason a child wants to apply to a college? My dd wants to apply to St. Cloud State in Minnesota because the logo looks like the Montreal Canadiens hockey team logo. I’m sure it is a fine school, but we are in NJ and this is the only reason she is interested.