Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

@NJWrestlingmom , you are kidding, right?

Nobody should be asked to defend something defined (by the title of the post) as stupid.

Let’s move on.

Thank you, @happy1!! So, this is the “rational, stupid reasons” thread. LOL

She really in general has no interest in the south, and happened to hit on those topics in school this year, so just adds fuel to the fire.

We live in Wisconsin and we tried to tour UW-Madison 2 times and left before the tour both times because the student guides walked in clapping and cheering
he said, Nope! The adult giving the presentation also used poor grammar
he and another random boy at our table looked at each other and mouthed
No Way
not a great sell on Wisconsin. I kept encouraging him to just apply but it didn’t happen. Nothing could change his feel there.

My Class of 2022 kid redlined all schools in the South. I agreed. :-bd

@Cadesmom that was a pet peeve of my husband’s! In one case the guide was a journalism and English major! :-S

Well, my Son did apply but didn’t want to attend a school because of a tv show
those of you may know from the thread. He’s usually not the type to overreact.

We attended one college info session where the admissions rep presenting kept calling the FAFSA the “FASFA” - drove me insane! If I had been the one applying, it might have prevented me from doing so. But I don’t think my child noticed or cared.

@CAtransplant Happened to us, too, at several colleges. At one, it was the head of the financial aid office who kept saying FASFA! Drove me absolutely crazy.

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@CAtransplant @kidzncatz we’ve had the same experience - it really annoyed me.

I know what you mean. When I hear that, I just go nucular. ?

My son said, “Forget New Orleans, I’m not living below sea level.”

That made me chuckle. Well played.

Our guidance counselors do that all the time, @CAtransplant
 FASFA indeed!

@brickkicker , sadly after Katrina that’s a rational rather than stupid reason.

Won’t apply because they don’t like the colors or the mascot
ex: Banana Slug at UC Santa Cruz or Anteater at UC Irvine. Green and Yellow at University of Oregon, but my D did end up applying even though she didn’t like the colors

My 9th grader already told me he won’t apply to any schools in landlocked states.

This gave me such a chuckle. Like he’s going to need to escape by ocean and the states with access will lock their borders?

Wouldn’t apply to any school in Maine, although she has visited Maine a few times, and liked it each time. Still haven’t figured that one out.

Regarding the school colors, I wonder how many people drop Lehigh from their list when they find out going there might involve a lifetime of wearing brown sweatshirts. That & the spider mascot at U of Richmond seem like 2 things that could easily be changed & would boost applications considerably.